It’s unbelievably impossibly that we have a one year old in the house! I mean, it flew by with the first two kids and despite the craziness of this past year, it still seems like she was born yesterday. *Cue my eyes welling up with tears*
Well if it is really happening, I guess we should celebrate with style!! We missed the boat completely on a birthday cake smash for Thomas, did it a bit later for Henry, but this time we were prepared for a fun photo shoot! And look at this beautiful dress I found hiding in the giant stash of clothes we got from our friend!
My three crazies! Apparently Henry’s mind is also blown that his baby sister is a year old! ;)
As usual when doing photo shoots, I need some help to make sure everything is all set up before taking the action shots. Thomas was more than happy to help out, though you can see he was still in his awesome dinosaur pajamas at this point.
Side note - how is this kid 6?!? They are growing much too fast. Send help! ;)
Henry also wanted to help out with the set-up, but it’s Henry, so he can’t just make a normal smiling face for the camera…
Go time with the beautiful birthday baby!! You can just see the strand of backdrop she had in her hand - she clearly went straight for the shiny stuff! I managed to get it away from her before she ripped the whole thing down - whew!
Also, you can see that I used the same cloud backdrop that we had for Henry. The options are limited here when you wait until the last minute to buy supplies… ;)
She seemed pretty happy posing for the camera. Like me, she is unsure of what to do with her hands when being photographed! The boys decided she was clearly trying to do the baby shark song - they might not be wrong, she does love that tune!
Smashing time! Since she just got cleared to start trying foods, we didn’t think cake was a good idea. But pudding seemed like the perfect consistency for her to eat & play with! She certainly seemed intrigued with the brightly colored pots of pudding!
She’s so proud of herself for touching the unknown food! Claps all around!
“Oh, you want me to try eating the thing in the cups?? I suppose I could…”
Apparently she was not impressed with the pudding and decided to run (crawl) away…
I put her back in the center and tried sticking the pink pudding in front of her. Who doesn’t love strawberry??
She wouldn’t try it, so her dad helpfully smushed her whole hand in the pudding. “Uncool, dad!”
But when both of her hands got covered in pudding, she really let her true feelings be known about the situation!
After smearing it all over her face while crying, I showed her how to knock the pudding over! Mean pudding deserves it! ;)
Once she realized that she could destroy the pudding without getting in trouble, she was happy again! Plus, her momma got the silly pudding off her face!
She seems a little unsure why she isn’t in trouble for making such a mess, but wants to applaud her pudding destruction!
I thought she would like to knock over a tower of pudding cups given her usual block tower destruction, but she just smushed her hand in the pudding and then yelled about having pudding on her hand.
In the end, she wasn’t really the least bit interested in eating any of the pudding, but Henry didn’t really eat the cake during his cake smash and we all know that boys loves cake! She does seem to be giving the whole area some serious side eye after I got her all cleaned up. I guess my kids just aren’t into messy eating on demand - oh well!
And even though she didn’t eat the pudding, I am so excited that we had the option of giving her pudding! I wasn’t even sure there would be anything to give her for a “cake smash” a few months ago, so the amount of progress she has had lately is just awesome! If she never loves pudding, I am sure we can find something else she will love to eat! :)
Luckily there was enough pudding that didn’t end up on the floor that my very best helper could get some for a snack! Henry didn’t want any, so maybe I just managed to raise two crazy kids…? ;)