The last day at the beach and it was crazy packed compared to the rest of the week! Mostly because it was a Saturday and a gorgeous, sunny day!
My beach bum baby was back in action with her surfer girl! And a bucket to carry water around in. Because a girl can never have enough ocean water on her. :)
We luckily staked out a spot in the sand with the beach umbrella and golf cart to make sure the kids had room to play without someone else crowding us. The beach is narrow enough that people don’t generally get in front of you - unlike Galveston - so we only had to protect the flanks!
Oh and it was (obviously) so hot! The ice cream truck drove up and we promised the kids ice cream - then realized they didn’t take credit cards! Theresa had enough cash to buy a few ice creams and I sprinted back to the house to get money for the rest. Luckily it is close by, but I was still out of breath when I got back!
The ice creams were ridiculously cold - they must keep them on dry ice. It’s a great way to keep them from melting, but also made them a little hard to eat at first! Thomas was so excited about his watermelon bomb pop and Henry got a banana flavored one. It’s like they tried to pick my two least favorite flavors so I wouldn’t steal any!
Smart boys…
Henry graciously offered to give Natalie snacks, but I am 100% sure it was so he could sneak some Cheez-It’s while feeding her. I’ll take any help I can get, even the devious kind. ;)
We even lucked out and got the awesome golf cart parade! Theresa assumed it was every Saturday, but then we found out it’s once a year and we just keep getting lucky. The kids were ridiculously good at getting beads from the people driving by just by being their adorable selves!
Henry even got this crazy purple baton. I think they even ended up with pool noodles and boogie boards. How??
Meredith was very successful at bead collecting, but decided she had enough and decided to chill out in the shade for the rest of the parade.
All of the golf carts are decorated and since we had a golf cart, we thought we would join in! We didn’t do the full parade route, but we snuck in long enough to have fun with it. And I also got sprayed with ice cold water several times - apparently the people driving and the people watching are in a water battle that I was unaware of!
Once we parked the cart again, it returned to be extra shade and the sisters hung out to catch up! Sarah came for the last day with the rest of her girls, so she got to join in the most fun day. And somehow Natalie snuck in the photo… She’s sneaky like that!
Overall it was a great week at the beach and it will be sad (as always) to leave it behind. Can’t wait for next year and even more fun with the whole crew. Thanks for adopting me and the rest of my crew into this fun tradition!