The other big fun day is travelling over to Galveston and going to lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe. The ferry ride last year was probably one of the boy’s favorite parts! This year was a little less fun because I was so worried about Natalie walking around that I only let them explore the observation deck that was enclosed.
But they still had fun at the Rain Forest Cafe! We actually went there with Matt when we were in Galveston last month, but it’s always fun to eat there with kids! Plus you can see that Natalie totally conned me into buying the rainbow cat she had been interested in last time.
And by that I mean, I thought she would like it and wanted to spoil her. ;)
All three boys were so excited about taking their photo with the frog character. I was getting a photo of my boys and Wallace insisted he be in the photo too. Of course!
On the wait for the ferry ride back, the heat and large lunches took their toll on the two youngest kids in my car and they both fell asleep. Since Thomas was bored just sitting there, I told him to bring his booster and sit up front with me while we waited to board the ferry. He thought he was the biggest and coolest kid sitting in the front seat. I’ve told him the house rule of being 12 before he can ride up there, so he thinks that means if he sees any kid in the front seat, they must be over 12!
Got back to the house just in time for a big rain storm to blow through. This little one was not thrilled about being stuck on the porch instead of playing on the beach. But she thought the thunder and lighting was basically nature’s party soundtrack and was running around under the overhang dancing. She’s taking a quick break here. ;)
Once it stopped raining, we headed over to the beach to squeeze in as much time as we could before more rain blew through. Everyone was all smiles again!
Natalie has a new thing where every time I squat down to take a photo of her, she squats down too. It’s a little challenging to get a good photo of a squatting baby. But this time I didn’t even notice her while I was taking a photo of Henry - she’s got some mad photo bomb skills.
As a side note - she really does love that surfing toy. It was well worth whatever it cost!
The boys were having a blast just riding around in the surf on the inner tubes. I can’t blame them - it looked pretty relaxing since it wasn’t terribly sunny. Every now and then they would get stuck up on the beach and holler for help getting back in the water.
What a life!
We finally decided it was looking a little too threatening and started packing up to head back inside. Natalie was given the very important job of helping Ruthie wash the sand off all of the beach toys, so she didn’t notice we were packing up until it was too late. Though I think she had a busy enough day, she didn’t even protest too much once she realized we were leaving.
Or she knows we’ll be back the next day? ;)