With the start of a new school year, August really flew by! So let’s do the usual catch-up of the small stuff that happened. :)
Some days I get so excited about how well Natalie is eating and then other days, she only moves the spoon without eating anything. I try not to get frustrated, but it seems to be more of the latter these days. Here’s hoping the feeding therapy she is starting soon will help. :(
Though she does want to try pretty much anything her brother’s are eating! She may have only taken a nibble or two off the giant rice pop, but it was still pretty comical to watch. :)
I think we waited a little too long to change out her g-tube. With all that was going on, I realized it had been awhile - usually the valve starts to leak and remind us, but this one never did. But it also didn’t want to come out at all. It was terrible getting it swapped out - thankfully Matt was there to watch/help (I had to reassure him that it wasn’t normal to have such trouble!).
The piece off to the right is the deflated balloon and it just wouldn’t go flat no matter how much air we sucked out of it. It finally came out, but no one was especially happy about it. I now have a reminder on my calendar to make sure we get it out before it starts to have issues… :(
The most adorable biker gang ever! We finally got Natalie on the tricycle and it’s safe to say she loved it! She may have loved it more when Dadda was pushing it and being all crazy, but mom’s tame pushing is also acceptable.
We went to IKEA to get some shelves for her playroom in the new house and somehow came home with this play kitchen as well. I’m not sure if Natalie or Henry was more excited about it, but it was a great addition to the fun!
She apparently doesn’t think I have enough play food for her and was adding to her collection with anything she could reach in the pantry.
She is also very interested in helping me in the kitchen. See her mad silverware skills?? I, of course, pulled out all of the knives before letting her help out.
The new house is a lizard sanctuary and I LOVE it! They are so adorable! They will hang out by the windows and do the weird throat thing and their tiny lizard push-ups.
One of my favorite memories as a kid was when I got my very own library card! Our neighborhood library is pretty close by and we have gone there several times. So I went ahead and registered them for their own cards! Very high odds that they will lose them, but it is still worth it for the excitement of today. :)
I may be a little obsessed with Aldi and all the randomness that you can buy there. It’s like they know exactly what I can’t say “no” to. Case in point - these awesome taco plates! Taco night is going to be styling! (Not that I don’t still love the Tacosaurus, but the space for rice & beans is a nice upgrade!)
I’m doomed…!
She found the tupperware drawer. :(
Looks so adorable in the boy’s old apron though!
My boss has heard rumors that I am quite the baker, but so far I haven’t really made me anything. (In my defense, I am just now sorting out the baking stuff from the move!) Plus there is another cake baker on the floor, so it’s not like they are suffering…
But it was the other cake baker’s birthday, so I said I would make her a cake. I asked my boss what she liked and he said nuts, bananas and caramel. In hindsight, he problem meant for me to pick one, but I made a Pecan Bundt cake with Banana-Caramel sauce for on top. I skipped the banana part, but otherwise it was amazingly delicious. I think that he now believes the rumor. ;)
On one of my Friday’s off, I decided to walk the boys to school again. What can I say, I am a glutton for punishment in this heat. Plus they think it’s super fun!
This girl! She has a sixth sense for when I am not 100% paying attention and boy does she take advantage of it! Clearly her climbing skills have also improved…
And she’s turning into a ridiculous pantry thief! Cookies are her favorite target. And how can I say no to her when all I want is for her to want to eat? I feel like she knows this and takes advantage of it.
She’s clearly a smart cookie! (Ha!)
The 3D printer is back up and running! I have my very own office now and love having some “me” space. It’s a total mess, but I set the printer up right away. I’ve missed it!
The boys were pretty happy as well and were ready to be my QC staff.
Thomas has been asking me to make him this amazing marble machine we found on Thingiverse. I haven’t been up to it yet since it will take more than a day to print. But I thought we could tackle the smaller pieces first. And we clearly needed some tweaking! It took 5 attempts to get the screw to print out correctly
We’re obviously still learning what we are doing even after owning this printer for a few years! ;)
Side note - aren’t my new counter tops just the coolest? Such a fun rock to have on display! :)
Natalie started Deaf Education therapy and her new teacher had a splash party at her house for all of her kids to meet up. We, of course, went! We definitely want to be a part of that community so Natalie can be around other kids like her. But I was confused by the older teenagers there since Ms. Amy only has 3 and under.
Turns out they are all in the sign language program at the high school and were volunteering at the event. Ohmigosh, they were just the sweetest too! I am just learning some signs and they were clearly advanced in ASL. Plus they all loved Natalie, so they all seemed extra awesome to me. :)
I guess this guy is worn out from his long school days! The last two movie nights he hasn’t made it until the end before crashing on the couch. Also, this kid has an interesting sense of style and I love it! ;)