As I was getting Natalie dressed this morning (it's a multi-step ordeal these days!), I heard Henry trying to get his dad to come out in the hallway and help him with something...
Turns out it was buttons! He was insistent that he wear his fancy new clothes for Mother's Day. It was just about the most adorable thing ever. :)
Then he went with his daddy to go get the donuts his momma insisted she wanted for breakfast. And they even drove the extra distance to get the good ones!
Natalie got a little fussy later in the day while I was trying to finish the dishes. It was too soon to put her on her play-mat (stupid reflux!), so I put on nursery rhymes on my phone for her to buy myself a few more minutes. I look over a minute later and realize "The Wheels on the Bus" had drawn a crowd!
Also note Thomas' hat - he was super upset when Henry came home with a Krispy Kreme hat, even though he was the stinker who wouldn't go with his dad to go get donuts. But since I didn't want crying kids on Mother's Day, I dug out a matching Waffle House hat I had hidden away. If only there was really a WH in town...!
Look at this cutie! Apparently holding an object in each hand isn't a skill babies are born with. Up until now, if she was holding something and you put something in the other hand, one thing would immediately get dropped. But not today! Such awesome motor skill development! :)
And you can see another one of her oral development toys - the GOOtensil from the therapist. It's actually a practice spoon (and the Zoli is a gum massager), but for her they are fun toys!
She started to get a little fussy as she was fighting to not fall asleep, but she calmed down once I let her hold my finger. Soon she was happily snoozing and I was happily thinking about how such small moments are the best part of being a mom.
Thanks to my kiddos for spoiling me and I love being your momma so much!