Natalie gets regular visits from therapists with the Infant Learning Program and on one of the recent visits, the physical therapist asked if we had a baby gym. I said I didn't know what that was, but I'd go buy it if they thought it was helpful!
Turns out, it's an activity mat with things overhead for babies to look at and reach for. Henry and I went to Target and he picked out this cool one from Baby Einstein. He based his decision solely on the fact it came with balls to put through the hole in the mesh - and he immediately took the balls to throw at his brother when we got home. Boys...
But Natalie didn't mind the theft and she seemed pretty interested in the playmat as soon as I put her on it. We made a few modifications with blankets to keep her in therapist-approved positions and because the mat was a little slippery. I'm guessing it's easy-to-clean material. ;)
She likes floor time, but she definitely has a time limit. Luckily, it can be extended by a few minutes with company. Which is why Henry is reading her a book here! It's a favorite of his because he can read it so well (pretty much is just the word "Moo" over and over with different inflections).
Side note - the chocolate on his face was because I promised him we could make cookies. He pretty much made them all on his own! And of course an important part of baking is taste testing the final results!
But back to the baby - chilling on her play mat! With another new oral stimulation toy - the Zoli! I got this one after she tried to gag herself with the Nuk - she can't cram this one in quite as far. She still loves it though!
It's getting hard to keep her in tummy time, but we've found she'll tolerate it a little bit longer if she can stare at the beautiful baby in the mirror. Even that gets old after awhile and over she rolls.
But not so much that she can't see that cute baby... ;)