
One Month!

I had so much fun taking monthly photos for each of the boys, that I had to start the tradition up again with Natalie. I totally forgot to order the onesie stickers in advance, but figured I had at least a month after she was born to order them. Well that month kinda went by and ordering stickers was totally forgotten amidst everything else...


Lucky for me, the monthly photos have become very mainstream and Target actually had these cute cards! We got the last set of girlie ones just in time for her to turn a month old! And just like the stickers on the first month - it's almost as big as she is! And this is probably not an approved sitting posture for a tiny baby, but she managed to not fall over long enough for me to get a photo!


Then the big brothers came to join the fun / rescue their sister from falling over. Don't they look like giants next to her?!? I could be wrong on my math, but I am pretty sure Henry is 48 months and Thomas is almost 70 months. Crazy!


They love their baby sister, but they aren't 100% sure what to do with her...


Henry sure does love giving her kisses though! This boy loves his baby sister *so* much. He makes sure to come say good morning to her every day before heading off to daycare. 

I honestly thought bows were a bit silly when my best friend bought so many for her daughter years ago, but I think I have come around to them. What a cute little accessory when they have no hair! I bet they are still adorable when she has hair too though. As much as I was convinced she could just wear her brother's clothes, I am pretty happy we got so many girl clothes from friends. She's extra adorable in all the pinks and purples! :)


Of course, babies aren't all that interested in being fashionable and it was only a matter of time before little girl was done with this thing on her head and done with her momma taking photos. Fashion is hard work, y'all...! ;)