As the title suggests, we are so happy to have our baby girl home and not spending all of our spare time in the hospital! It's nice to wake up and just have a leisurely day at home. Nonni did have to go home the day after she got home from the hospital, but she will be back in a few weeks!
I love it when the boys pull out something from the playroom that they haven't used in awhile and the cloth smore's set from their Grannie made an appearance the other day. Henry usually just runs around wearing the fire as a hat (and looking like a psychedelic rooster), so it was awesome to see the set being used like Grannie intended. And Thomas made a "sleeping bag" out of the bean bag chairs. So creative!
As I mentioned, we got so many cute things from friends and this shark robe from my friend Kelly was one of my favorites. But it didn't occur to me until I was using it that she sent it because we both worked on a project called Sharktooth (she confirmed her logic).
So I am a little slow, but I appreciate it even more now!
The boys have been such good helpers with their baby sister. They are top notch pacifier retrievers. This girl loves her binkies *so* much, especially while she is getting her meals!
Natalie and I went to pick Thomas up from school one day and we decided to travel light since it is so close to home. Which means we still had to bring her two monitors along, but that's it! We're starting to get the "traveling" down a little better.
Speaking of monitors, the first night home with them was a bit chaotic. And the apnea one is so incredibly loud when it goes off - even when it's just a lead that has come loose. We have since learned to tape the leads down so we don't get an alarm going off every time we pick her up and they snag on her clothes. It's a learning process...
Thomas was hanging out with us on his day off of school and asked me to give him some blank pieces of paper. He came back with a rendering off the TV and speakers. And he's got them drawn how they look when the covers are off. I have no idea the last time the covers were off, but this kid has an amazing memory!
And the moose are back and scrounging for food! Luckily we saw this momma before I let the dogs out, they aren't the smartest when it comes to avoiding moose encounters...
She hung around long enough for me to get the zoom lens for my camera and even gave me a few good poses. So much more cooperative than usual!
Henry also thought the moose were pretty rad and kept me updated on their whereabouts for the next hour until they decided to leave. Which was good timing - the girls were definitely whining about not getting their morning potty break yet.
Henry was hanging out with Natalie and I today and decided it was a pajama day. Since we had nowhere to be, we thought that was a great idea!
He was very insistent that he get to hold his baby sister. He actually wanted to carry her around, but I told him that holding her while sitting in a chair was the best he was going to get. He was happy with that. She's wearing his old airplane pj's - they are on of the few pairs of theirs I kept. Mostly because they have snaps and the wires are so much easier to deal with in snap-up clothes.
I was scouring the pantry for lunch options and randomly decided to eat some sardines. I have no idea why, since I haven't eaten them in a while. But Henry was insistent he wanted some "fish" too. He swore he would eat the whole can on his own and I was super skeptical that he would even eat a single one. So I gave him a can and took a video of him eating his first one to send the expected *yuck* face to Matt.
To my utter astonishment, he loved them and pretty much ate the whole can. My picky eater won't eat meat and potatoes half the time, but he'll eat sardines?!?
I struggle to remember to pull out the fancy camera most days, but she was so alert this morning that I decided to try and get a few snaps of her looking at me. She's not quite smiling yet, but she sure is intently staring at us. :)
Our typical Saturday morning breakfast these days! We bought a new high chair for Natalie since they are so fancy now - you can recline them back while the babies are little and they can sit at the table too! We used to sit the boys on the table in their bouncy chair, but with four of us now using the table, the space on top is limited...
And Henry wanted to be sure everyone knows he is now four. Just in case you forgot already! ;)
Matt getting in some daddy-daughter nap time. I'm not sure how he ended up with so many blankets, but it must have been a pretty awesome nap - they were both out for awhile. No judgement here, napping with her is usually the highlight of my morning (and somewhat makes up for the lack of sleep at night...!).