I ended up giving Thomas his first hair cut shortly before his first birthday. It was getting so long that it was almost in his eyes. I was super worried about messing it up right before all of his birthday photos, but I think I actually did a pretty good job!
He wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but he was very interested in the clumps of hair on the table. Since that awesome first haircut, my haircutting skills went waaaaay downhill. I don't know if it was just beginners luck, but I gave up on cutting Thomas' hair a while ago.
Cut to breakfast yesterday and I noticed that Henry really, really needs a hair cut. I knew it was getting long, but this morning he had wings of hair in the back. Yikes! Luckily our Saturday morning breakfast joint is right down the street from the barber.
Look how excited he is for his first haircut! Lehi makes a pretty big event out of the first haircut for his young customers. He took before/after pictures of Henry, saved a lock of hair and made a super official certificate for Henry. The line about him "graduating from babyhood" may have made his momma a little sad, but it is pretty close to true. He's such a big boy!
Look at him playing with toys while his dad gets his hair cut - he looks like a little boy. Sigh... My boys are growing *much* too fast for my liking. :(
No more wings! Lehi managed to get it pretty even all around - impressive considering how much Henry was moving around. He was super curious about the whole ordeal.
Definitely not a teeny tiny baby anymore. (Still loves those two fingers though!)
First haircut, what a milestone! I get the feeling that they are going to start flying back faster than I can keep track. But for now, I'll take them as they come and enjoy all of the smiles these boys want to share with me. :)