Since the boy's daycare is a federal program, they honor all of the federal holidays. Which means that I got an extra day this weekend to hang out with them - woo! And it just so happened to be monthly picture day - double woo!
They were both in great moods this month! Sometimes they really, really enjoy each other - this photo shoot was luckily one of those times. :)
Of course I needed a second to set up the camera and flash for the photos. Eliza was more than happy to be my test model. This poor girl needs a hair cut so badly. She's starting to look like a muskox. Smells about as good as one too... "/
Eleven whole months! Only one short month away from his first birthday. How on earth did that happen??
He seems pretty excited about it though. Well honestly, he's excited about most things these days. He's usually in a great mood. Of course he still has hanger issues, but that's genetic from his momma, so I don't think he's going to outgrow that. Sorry kiddo!
Look at these two! So adorable loving on each other. Henry kept trying to hug/tackle his brother and they both were giggling away.
Then Thomas got down and was trying to tickle his little brother. Giggles switched to full blown laughs. It's an awesome sound. I love it when they are making each other laugh! They've started doing it in the car on the way home, Thomas is now in the middle facing forward and Henry faces backward, so they can see each other and Henry always tries to poke his big brother with his bottle. Henry always thinks it's hilarious, Thomas finds it funny about 75% of the time... ;)
This is what happens when Thomas sees the camera and wants to smile. Can you make out that he is saying "Cheese!" I think it's his new favorite word. He will carry random toys around and pretend they are cameras. "Cheese, momma! Cheese!"
Love those big blue eyes. And that big ole belly! :)
The photo session went really well, but that doesn't mean there weren't a few moments of exasperation. So I figured for full disclosure, I would share some not-so-perfect photos.
Henry tried to rip his whole shirt off instead of just his sticker. And Thomas was up and down in the chair so many times that his shirt was pulled up in about half the photos. Henry totally looks like the Hulk in this photo - minus green, of course.
About to lose the toddler again. I swear he makes himself Jello and just slithers all the way down to the floor. And if I try to pick him up in Jello mode he just flops around. I've learned it's just best to wait it out.
Thomas likes to wait until Henry is leaning on him to pop up and see if Henry will fall over. Henry's balance has gotten good enough that he doesn't get completely unstable. And a nod to the train in Thomas' hand - that is Olwin. We've been working on toilet training Thomas - he got most of it down right away, but we had troubles with #2 for a while. So I may have resorted to bribery... If he makes it in the potty, he gets a sticker. When he gets enough stickers, he gets a reward train. He just got Olwin right before we took the photos, so he was in a majority of the pictures.
And I tried to get a photo of all three of us, but it didn't work out. Someone's face was always half out of the frame, if not two someone's... I did manage to get a cute one of Henry and I though! Just more reason to get that 20mm lens. ;)