Bath time is one of the more exciting times in this house. Thomas really seems to enjoy his nightly baths, it was one of the first words that he could clearly say. And related to that - bubble!
The one thing I have always felt bath time was lacking was fun towels. I mean, his baby towels were cute enough, but he soon outgrew them and their pretty meager drying abilities. Then I just used our towels, which are more functional, but hardly exciting.
Not that he ever complained. He's happy with whatever. But I felt the situation could be remedied by someone that knew how to sew. Sure, we have a sewing machine that Matt's mom (Grannie) gave us, but I don't exactly know how to sew. Matt has actually done more sewing than me...
But Grannie was happy to remedy the situation in the form of a super cool birthday gift! And of course, it had to be Sesame Street! I couldn't get him to cooperate long enough to take a photo, but this one is obviously Elmo. And unlike the cake, he would actually admit it. :)
He really likes his Elmo towel. And he's a nice enough brother that he was willing to give one of the other towels to his younger brother.
Henry is still a little small for a full sized towel, but he's just so cute in it - how can I resist?? There's also a Cookie Monster towel that got sent to school for water days. But honestly I think the Oscar the Grouch towel is my favorite. Those eyebrows are just ridiculously adorable!
Thanks for the awesome present, Grannie - not only does Thomas love them, so do the rest of us!