
Four (25.5) Months!

Four whole months has flown by since Henry joined the family. And as much as I was convinced he was going to be a chart topper on weight, his check up this week showed he wasn't much above average on weight. But on height? Top of the chart! So either way, Henry is not going to be a small guy!

The doctor was telling me that since he was so tall, his weight to height ratio was actually really low. His following words were "but I don't think anyone will be calling him skinny..." Ha - look at those cheeks! If those aren't the pudgiest, most kissable cheeks... :)

I digress. The boys were both in a reasonably cooperative mood for photos today! You may have noticed that the chair has moved - Henry got the boot from our bedroom and is in his own room. This was driven by the fact he has been sleeping so well except when we disturb him moving around in the evenings or morning. So far, it's been great - this guy sleeps like a champ!

Thomas must have gotten tired of all the "Henry is so big" chat this month, he kept standing up to prove he is still the big brother! :)

Such a happy baby! Thomas took off on me again, so I got a few close ups of Henry. 

But then big brother was back and wanted to give his little brother a kiss. So adorable! Thomas hasn't quite mastered the kissing pucker and kissing noise, but he has at least started closing his mouth instead of coming at people with an open mouth slobber kiss. I'd call that improvement!

Thomas loves my camera. But unlike most things he loves, he doesn't get to play with it. But he's always super helpful about giving me my lens cap when I put it down and wanting to look at photos I've taken. We ended up giving him one of our old digital cameras and while he hasn't quite mastered picture taking, he sure loves trying and looking at the photos we helped him take. Give him time...!

So long for another month. I'm hoping next month we have a little less lean and a lot more "sitting up on our own" for the little guy. We'll see - I can't seem to remember when Thomas hit these milestones and haven't resorted to googling. It will happen when it happens. :)