
Henry Really Gets Into His Food

Henry started solids a few months ago and wasn't too sure about what I was trying to shove in his mouth (his version, I was quite nice about it!) Since then, he's had quite the change of heart!

This kid loves food! He went through a phase where if you weren't actively shoving food in his mouth, he would scream like a banshee (not fun!), but has since calmed down a little. If you feed him while you are trying to eat your own dinner, he seems to understand that his food will keep coming. Of course if I'm distracted and there is a little spill of food on his high chair, the above happens...

He's usually pretty neat, but not tonight! He was covered in food! And having a blast with it apparently... I'm not sure he thought this particular food was tasty, but it sure was fun for him to play with. 

This guy! Such a happy baby! It's pretty rare he's in a bad mood, especially when there is food involved. ; )

Speaking of food, I almost forgot to mention we started on finger foods! He's pretty good at picking up puffs and cheerios - probably because they tend to stick to his wet fingers...

Ha - he isn't too sure about what he just put in his mouth...! (He ended up deciding he likes them.) We're still working on his grasping skills on other foods, but he is happy enough to eat anything off of a fork. 

Thomas was also wanting to try something new, so I gave him a green olive to try. He stuck it in his mouth and pulled it back out pretty quick. "Not good, momma. Not good..." I beg to differ, son.

Obviously, dinnertime is never a dull time of day. ; )