I mentioned back in June how much I / we love getting packages in the mail! I think they are heavily weighted toward the kids, but even that is fun seeing how excited they get. Mostly they come from the grandparents, but we had one show up out of the blue from our friends in Houston, John and Allie. We had just seen them when we were in Texas and I am pretty sure that Allie asked for my address, but I totally failed to put 2 & 2 together until a package showed up. Yay for being easy to surprise!
Thomas was super, duper, ecstatic about all the trucks they sent. He absolutely loves monster trucks these days and guess what - Allie is psychic! I'm not sure he recognized the particular characters, but he knew they were his "Monster Trucks!"
As a side note, I checked and the Monster Jam does *not* come to Alaska. So sad for Thomas and me... : (
Seriously - look at this excitement! He was waving it around and then pounding his little fists on the table shouting "Trucks! Trucks! Trucks!" I tried so hard to get a video of it and he (of course) promptly stopped. Trust me, Thurmonds, he loves them!
Allie - I tried to get a photo of Henry with the blanket perfectly draped over his head, but he jerked it down and then it just looked like I was throwing blankets over my child... Which reminded me of the time we were driving around in Norway with you, Jack and me in the backseat. Jack was having a blast playing with candy wrappers and fell asleep with them on his face. You took a photo to show John how funny it was and he said it just looked like we put trash on Jack. Ha!
I have no idea why I remember that, but it was motivating enough to not post blanket head baby photos. ;)
As another note, he finally has a blanket for daycare that his name on it. Woooo! I am probably the worst parent at labeling things. They probably just put anything without a label in our bin... "/
More trucks! This one might have been even more exciting because it makes noise! Lots and lots of noise!
Thanks...? ; )
Also note the football was from the other care package we got this week from Nonni and Grandpa. I forgot to give Henry that ball at first because of all the cool stuff for Thomas. So when we were skyping with them yesterday, I handed Henry the ball. He flipped out for the football! I think it was even better they got to see how excited he was over their present!
But the ball obviously wasn't cutting it when there were noisy trucks to play with... And Thomas actually shared one of them with Henry! He's not always a generous toddler, so it makes me super happy when he's so sweet to his brother. Of course, Henry isn't quite sure what to do with the truck.
I'm pretty sure he's thinking "Should I eat it?" - mostly because I think he thinks that about everything. You can tell the boy is not starving... ; )
And look at that! A new skill! I did have to help him get up to a standing position, but he was able to hold it and seemed pretty proud of himself. Thomas was always demanding to stand up that it's been a little weird Henry hasn't been at all interested. I guess he's finally seeing the charm of being completely vertical.
Thanks again to both John & Allie and my parents. We are super grateful that anyone remembers us up here in Alaska, getting surprise packages is just that much more exciting! :)