I thought it might be good to split Hico into two posts because I took a ton of photos of the kids and didn't want to overwhelm the actual reason we were there post. And I have a dear friend who admits to skimming if I use too much text. I don't think that applies to too many photos, but I didn't want to risk it!
All of the kids there were super well behaved considering how long we were there and how warm it was outside. Luckily we got a spot that was in the shade for a good part of the day and away from the asphalt - black top can radiate some heat!
Thomas fell asleep in the car on the way over to the competition. Mom somehow managed to get him to the spot and sit down without waking him up! I guess it helps he's a pretty good sleeper...
I actually remembered to hand off my camera to get a photo of Thomas and I. Those have been sorely lacking over the past year. And I tried playing with the B&W option in my camera software. I'm not sure I love it - I think photo editing software might do a better job. And apparently there are a million versions of B&W, while my software has two... "/
Guess who is walking now? He's still a little hesitant, but he certainly has the ability. So he gets really excited about it, but also likes to stay close to walls in case he loses his balance.
"Look mom - no hands!"
I never get tired of seeing dads hold their kids and Anna looked super worn out (and adorable) in this one. Not surprisingly, she was out in about 2 minutes.
Wallace followed shortly behind. And look at Thomas' awesome wagon - you can fold down the seats and it's a perfect sleeping bench for little kids. We were all wishing there was an adult version...
Another one of Thomas and I. He's looking a little worn out, huh? Shortly after this photo, we found a church on the square that had created an indoor area for kids with toys and air conditioning! So awesome of them!
Wallace 4-wheeling under some stranger's chair. They all thought he was too adorable. :)
Wallace in the kids area heading for the toys and the loving attention of about 10 young girls. Smart boy!
Momma dancing around to the music with Thomas. That boy sure loves his Nonni. He has started flipping out when I leave the room, but not if she has him!
Theresa got an awesome camera for her Christmas present from Josh. Matt and I were seriously impressed at the awesome photos she was taking with it. And for my birthday Matt got me the same camera. So now we get to geek out about the camera a lot and plan on taking classes for it together. It's good to have friends who share your hobbies. :)
Thomas had several admirers there and this little girl in particular kept flirting with him. He thought she was fun too. (Though not as much as trying to eat things off the ground... *sigh*)
Anna obviously has a thing for him too. She can even say his name, which is still super impressive to me every time I hear it. :)
So I asked him, what is it about you that all the girls love so much??
"Beats me, Mom...!"