Theresa's hubby, Josh, is big in to cook-offs these days. I've only made it to one cook-off so far (in Shiner!), so I was ready to go to another one. This one was geared more toward backyard chefs - our crew was by far the biggest rig out there. I have no idea what size the trailer is, but they keep adding more things to it every time I see it - this time it had satellite TV!
I even managed to talk my mom into coming - easier since it was only an hour from where she lives versus the 4 for me. It was almost all my favorite people in one spot - if only Matt hadn't been on call*...!
And what was the result? Old Army BBQ got Best in Show! While not a reward strictly based on food, we were all still pretty excited about it. Everyone stopped by the trailer to talk to us and wherever I roamed with my Old Army BBQ shirt on, people wanted to chat. So I'd call it a success - I mean, who wouldn't want to hang out with such fun people:
(*And if someone hadn't moved to Alaska!!)