The big day finally arrived – Matt’s here! I had been diligently tracking his progress on the SPOT locator all morning and then it wasn’t updating. The last update was when he was on the north side of Anchorage, so I showed Duncan and asked what time he thought they would get here. He recommended going outside pronto. Good thing he did – I just our coats on and walked outside to see them pull around the corner. After a mad scramble to get our “Welcome Home” signs held up, Matt finally got to hug Tommy and I after 8 weeks apart.
Tommy just stared at his dad. He didn’t run from him (like he did to me after only two weeks apart!), he didn’t smile or cry, he just stared at his daddy. All while holding his new favorite broom of course. Then, we let the dogs out of the car – they immediately freaked out and ran all over the yard in excitement – which only elicited long looks from Tommy as well. I think the poor guy was trying to take it all in!
Once his dad picked him up and started playing with him, it all seemed to come back to him:
“Oh right – this is the fun parent! I have missed him!!”