Matt's on his way up here, currently somewhere in the middle of nowhere, British Columbia. He should be here on Sunday - so excited!!!
I was planning on forgetting the house hunt and let him deal with it after the disappointing first trip out looking at houses with the realtor two weeks ago. But I figured I could go out one more time with Ed and see some more houses. If nothing else, I can cross some off the list. And hopefully not fall in love with the one house the relocation people won't let me buy. (Stupid fake stucco!)
Anyhow, I'm not exactly excited to go in case you can't tell, so I needed something fun at the beginning of the day to get me through. Thomas decided that wouldn't be sleeping in (5:20 wake-up time?!?), so I decided we would go out for breakfast before dropping him off at daycare. He's been a bit hit or miss in restaurants lately, so I figured IHOP would have an understanding crowd at 8am on a Friday.
But he did awesome! He colored, stared at other kids, waved bye out the window at people and polished off a silver dollar pancake breakfast! I was pretty glad I opted to get him his own meal. What a big boy he's getting to be!