
C-19 Week 10

Made it through week 10 of staying home!


The water table just isn’t exciting enough for the boys some days and the water hose becomes the play toy of choice. I mean, I don’t blame them, but if they spray me - fun time is over! ;)


The boys were running around play fighting with the orange sticks (as usual) and I thought I would ask Natalie to show me her best fighting stance. I 100% thought she would just look at me like I was crazy and say “Huh?” like I get 60% of the time right now…

Instead she whips out this perfect fighting pose.

I think we are doomed!


Popsicle time! Henry has decided that grape is now his favorite flavor!


Thomas still prefers green. Honestly, I think it is less about the flavor and more that it is clearly his favorite color. ;)


I may have given in to the child attacking me and yelling “Chocolate!!!” while I was trying to finish up work today. (Yes, she is still in pj’s - don’t judge.) I wasn’t paying attention to her while she was eating them and finally noticed when she was yelling “look!” at me. Lol - what a chocolately mess.

At least I know she likes savoring the chocolate?


This kid was determined to share my soccer mom chair even if I wasn’t making it easy on him. His butt is completely hanging out the side underneath the arm rest, but he was so proud of himself. You can also just make out the youngest’s foot as she tries to join in on the fun. So much for quietly relaxing at the end of the day…!


Although I have nothing but good things to say about the morning snuggles! My usual routine is to get up when everyone else is asleep and try to get some work in before the kids wake up. Natalie is definitely the first one up since we’ve been letting the boys stay up too late.

She’s usually in such a great mood at the start of the day too! :)


Napping is sadly becoming less common these days. And for some reason she prefers the floor to her bed. But if she can get settled down with a Violet on her head, she usually will fall asleep… Usually.

Also she’s starting stealing Henry’s Scout in addition to her 2 Violets. Thankfully, he mostly hasn’t minded the theft.


I finally remembered the recipe I saw for making Jello popsicles and we decided to try it out. Supposedly they don’t melt as fast, which would be a nice change from the super fast melting popsicles they have been eating. They seemed to like the flavor and they indeed did better at not melting (though I wouldn’t claim they don’t melt at all). Guess we need to order some more Jello!


Look at someone’s mad stacking skills! She was so proud of her giant play-doh tower and even let me take a photo before promptly knocking it back down. ;)


The boys have been spending more time playing Minecraft recently and fell back in love with their giant Minecraft heads that Allie gave them last year. The youngest, of course, wanted to join in on the fun!


Soccer time! The boys wanted to play an actual game instead of just kicking the ball around, so I set up the soccer goals in the front yard.

Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be…


Their sister not only stole the ball, she wouldn’t evacuate the goal for them to play. It’s pretty much impossible to get all three of them on the same page at the same time. I had to coerce Henry into agreeing to play to begin with and this minor set-back was enough that he went off to play something else. Thomas didn’t want to just play with one goal, so the whole activity was ruined.

Sigh - so much drama over a soccer game.

Guess we’ll try again tomorrow…?