Made it through week 11 of staying home!
One upside to the pandemic is that the kids are finding all kinds of things to play with they had forgotten about. Thomas had never made the guitar with boost before and look how awesome it is!
We have been dealing with this child getting into the pantry for weeks now - the bigger issue is her tendency to move food all over the house. And now she’s discovered the chocolate bucket…
Sadly for Natalie, her free reign over the pantry is about to end - her Dad just installed a lock that will keep her out. Sorry, not sorry!
Also look how long her hair is getting!!!
Some days the activity outside my office door is weirder than others. This was one of those days…
Also the boys are terrible babysitters. (Shocking, I know!) I asked them to keep an eye on her because I had a meeting and Henry came running in that she had gotten into my bathroom drawers. Specifically my mascara - her attempt to put it on was a little off…
Thomas really wanted to make sure I would get a photo of the popsicle because it looked frosted and he thought that was soooo cool looking. I actually just wanted to get a photo of how cute and happy my 8 year old is about a popsicle. ;)
Also the only reason Natalie isn’t yelling about him being on her tricycle is because she is too busy eating a popsicle!
She seems to be taking fewer and fewer naps these days. Luckily she doesn’t mind staying in her room for “quiet time” even if she’s not napping. It’s pretty much the only time Matt and I can get work done at the same time - otherwise someone is always running interference.
But today she got suspiciously quiet and I couldn’t see her on the monitor. Turns out she actually wore herself out! Also the butt in the air is my favorite kid sleeping position - so adorable!
Today needed more flair apparently. She was insistent on adding more until we reached the magic number of four headbands. She is clearly developing strong opinions on what she wants to wear / accessorize.
This is why “quiet time” was in quotes. This is usually what greets me when I go to her room after a few hours of attempting to let her nap goes by. Stuff everywhere! She completely emptied our the dirty and clean clothes and found some shoes to be dressed up while destroying everything. Crazy girl!
I moved the dirty clothes hamper out of her room after this particular fiasco. At least I know which clothes are clean now!
Since we remembered how well the boys can make parfaits, I may have asked them to randomly make me breakfast. A deal was reached that they would make the parfaits if I would cut the strawberries (probably wiser anyhow!).
There was a lot of excited yelling the other day as I was finishing up my work day. Turns out the boys were teaching Natalie how to play hide & go seek - and she was loving it!!! I saw her hide in the laundry room and she was so excited I found her!
She much preferred being the person seeking though! Even when it was her turn to hide, she really just wanted to help look for everyone else. She was pretty good at finding the boys, but when mommy got involved, I had better hiding spots. ;)
I mean, I guess this kind of hiding spot works when Natalie is doing the hiding, but I made the boys work harder when they were seeking! Lol!
Playing with an umbrella will just wear a girl out on a hot day. Good thing there are popsicles to help cool us all down! Also, I tried to get her off the umbrella, but she was convinced it was a great seat. ;)
Well at least she fell asleep this time? And she just pulled the clean diapers out…
Thank goodness for small favors! (Also I moved the diaper pail out of reach as well. I’m not a complete fool…)
I thought Thomas might enjoy reading a book on my Kindle, so I downloaded some kid books for him. There weren’t a whole lot of options on Prime Reading, so maybe I’ll end up getting Kindle Unlimited again…!