
A Trip to the Zoo

I’ve been trying something new this month. I have been making the boys walk places instead of carrying them or throwing them in the wagon or stroller. I know it sounds revolutionary, but it was strictly a matter of saving my poor back from ~70 pounds of squirmy little boys. Well that and the fact the ice has melted - sometimes they get carried so they don't slip & fall. 

After two successful walks to the neighborhood park (and back!), I thought it was time to do a test run at the zoo. Our zoo isn’t huge, but I haven’t made a trip there without someone riding in a wagon or stroller. The boys and I agreed before we went that we would only stay as long as they kept walking - the minute anyone’s feet “stop working” we were leaving. 

This is probably Henry’s first visit to the zoo where he really knew what was going on around him. He actually saw the animals and got excited about them. The seals seemed pretty interested in the little humans looking at them and kept swimming back to the boys. 

The otters were also all over the place. They didn’t seem at all concerned with anyone on the other side of the glass though, they were too busy chasing and playing with each other. It kinda looks like Henry is looking at a giant brown stick, but I promise that’s an otter! 

Henry loved being able to walk and run around! He apparently loves a little bit of freedom and is quite the trooper. Honestly, I had to give Thomas more pep talks on our walks to the park than Henry. He might be slower than his older brother, but just keeps chugging along!

We can’t go to the zoo without taking photos in the moose cut-outs! I have so many pictures (and videos!) of Thomas being a moose. There’s even one of him saying he’s moose and then dancing all around. Adorable!

This time Henry got in on the moose action! He’s still a little short for it, but he was super happy about it anyhow. I didn’t check out the steps to get to the moose, so I didn’t realize he crawled in a puddle on water to get up the stairs, but he didn’t care. What’s a wet pant leg when you are a mighty moose??

And they both managed to get in the wolf cut-outs for a photo together. Now that is a first! Thomas is doing his best wolf howl - I am not entirely sure what Henry was trying to do…

Thomas was navigating us around the zoo with his map we picked up at the front. He’s still needs a little navigation practice, but since there are pictures of the animals on the map, he was actually able to keep tabs on where we were and where he wanted us to go pretty well. And he wanted to see the tigers! 

Unfortunately, the tigers were sound asleep. That’s why he looks a little sad in the previous photo. Well that and the fact we could only find one Tiger at first and he thought the tiger had no friends which was super sad. But we managed to find the other tiger asleep on top of the hill, so Thomas perked up a little bit after that. Whew - tiger crisis averted! (But photo crisis - why do zoos put wires where they are in the work spots for taking photos??)

After the tigers, Thomas started to navigate us toward the bears. He took his navigating job very seriously, in case you can’t tell!

Henry, on the other hand, was not at all interested in navigating. But he was having a blast romping around like a big boy. 

I think his favorite activity of the day was running when he realized I was trying to get photos of him. I’d kneel down to take a photo and off he would go!

It seems like they are constantly renovating and adding things to the zoo, so we decided these new benches were the perfect spot to sit down for an applesauce break. Plus it has such a nice view of the snow leopard! While I had them somewhat constrained, I tried to get a few selfies with my phone of the three of us. Some people walking by us and then started apologizing for getting in my photo. It took me a second to realize they thought I was taking photos of the cats. I explained they were fine, I was using the forward camera for selfies. I swear they looked at me like I was crazy. Don’t judge me and my selfies - it’s my favorite way to get photos of me and my boys!

We finally made it to the bears! The black bears weren’t out for some reason, so we had to find the brown bears. And every time I see the brown bears I am amazed at how big they are. Even Thomas was pointing out how big their claws are! Henry was just quietly roaring and pretending to be a bear. 

I’m also amazed at how much they act like overgrown dogs. I swear, they would be like having a giant Natalie around. Except for the fact they might try to eat me. I don’t think Natalie would ever do that. But don’t they just look so cute and cuddly??

We worked our way back to the front to see the polar bear exhibit. I have heard rumors that some times the polar bears will actually be up walking or swimming, but I have only ever seen them asleep! I can’t blame them - basking in the sun fast asleep seemed like a pretty good idea at the time. 

And since the boys seemed to like the bears the most today, I let them finish off their snack while hanging out by the polar bears. Henry kept watching the bears while he was eating and kept moving around for a better look. Maybe one of them was getting up??

Haha - nope. Still snoozing away. Thanks for getting me all excited about nothing, Henry... 

After seeing the moose, wolverine and falcons, the boys decided they were getting a little bit cold and ready to head for the exit. So Thomas pulled out his trusty map to navigate us back. 

As a side note, you’ve probably noticed their matching jackets. I had several people ask me if they were twins. Not quite…! I just think they are extra adorable when they match. Fun fact - they are the exact same size jackets - notice the how differently the sleeves fit each of them. Henry really is the Hulk!

We passed the moose cut-out again and I thought I could get Thomas to take a moose photo of me with my phone. He had the concept correct, but stood way too far back to get a decent photo... So I instead snapped a shot of him being a photographer. I think with a little coaching, he’ll be taking good photos in no time! Though he had a bit of a lean problem like my dear friend Theresa. Thankfully you can correct photo tilt in Lightroom. :)

Henry is obviously super bored with us taking photos. Ha - doesn’t he look super chill?

All-in-all they did an amazing job at the zoo and neither one of them asked to be carried a single time. We actually ran out of time before they gave up on me. So proud of my little guys! Give us a little more time and we’ll be out hiking together - can’t wait!