
Dinosaur Eggs

After a long and exciting day at the fair, hanging out with Matt's parents for a day seemed like a relaxing choice before taking off on the remainder of the Texas trip. We actually got in last night, but the boys were pretty worn out for the rest of the evening, so play time didn't really get going until today!

Grannie had set up all kinds of fun toys in the living room for them to play with. But yet - with all these toys - they still wanted to play with the same exact one. Shocking...!

Some of the toys were even the same ones that Matt had grown up with. I have no idea which ones, but this telephone *looked* pretty old. :)

Thomas had a full conversation with another "Thomas" even asking him if he was having fun with his mommy. I assumed the answer was affirmative because he responded with "That's good!" Henry mostly just put it up to his ear, pretended to dial and said "Hello??"

I was in the front room for a while trying to get caught up on the blog (a never-ending task), so I missed the chaos that was happening in the kitchen. Until I walked in and saw this! Oh no! Grannie assured me that she had okay-ed the emptying of the tupperware drawer. Though I am quite certain she hadn't anticipated the kitchen rug going airborne... 

I redirected them toward a calmer activity of puzzles with Grannie while I tried to somewhat clean up the mess. Henry was pretty excited about holding the puzzle pieces, but refused to relinquish them so anyone could complete said puzzle- ha!

This bird was off in the corner and would start tweeting if it was bumped or there was a loud noise. Henry was fascinated by this thing - I think he thought it was a real bird. Grannie then gave it to him to have in the car.

That bird tweeted at me for the next 8 days every time I accelerated, braked, turned a corner or hit a bump.

That bird also met an untimely demise at the end of 8 days.

Sorry Grannie. It "accidentally" got crushed.

By my boot.

Whoopsie! :)

But the favorite part of the day was when Grannie told the boys about the dinosaur eggs she had for them. I had no idea what she was talking about, but when she requested a hammer from Pawpaw, I got interested pretty quick!

Look at how excited Thomas got when he got handed a hammer. That worries me a little...!

Unfortunately for him, he wasn't very coordinated with the hammer and the dinosaur "eggs" were frozen blocks of ice that kept sliding away from him. Pawpaw had to step in to help with the "hatching" of the eggs. 

The dinosaur! 

The eggs were actually made by filling a balloon with water and a tiny dinosaur, then freezing it. Once you took the balloon off, it looked like a big egg. Grannie and their cousin Noah had made them a few weeks earlier and the boys loved them! Who am I kidding, I thought they were awesome too!

Henry isn't too sure about the dinosaurs. I bet he's trying to decide if he can eat it... ;)

Henry gets his chance to play with the hammer. Once we hatched all of the dinosaurs, we let the boys play at hitting the small pieces of leftover ice. Note the location of the hammer - Henry is definitely leaning towards being a lefty (just like our dear friend, Justin, that we met for lunch!).

This kind of destruction was really up Thomas' alley apparently, he attacked all of the ice chunks until there wasn't anything left to hammer. Just look at the dedication on that guy's face - no ice is safe around him!

All-in-all it was a fun day for the boys and a relaxing day for me. Back on the road again in the morning! No rest for those that have scattered friends and family scattered across Texas... :)