The title is the only concession to the day - this post is absolutely legit. I pinky promise!
When we moved into this house, we knew that the lack of fence around the house would be an issue considering the dogs obviously like to play outside. The previous owners had a dog and had solved the same problem by installing an invisible fence. We knew this, but didn't really know how to use an invisible fence. We only had one collar and no idea what to do with it. After walking the dogs outside on a leash or having to yell at them to keep them in the yard for a few months, we decided to get the invisible fence company out to get another collar and train the dogs on the fence. And since then, they have stayed in the yard reasonably well.
The downside to an invisible fence in Anchorage is that the moose roaming the neighborhood don't have collars that make the invisible fences work to keep them out. (Darn!) So we always have to check for moose. Well occasionally we forget and let the dogs out to potty without checking like last night...
Luckily, our dogs need very little encouragement to bark like crazy, so we knew pretty quick we had screwed up and got them back inside before anyone got hurt.
Apparently our yard looked pretty tasty to this momma and baby moose that we wandering around the neighborhood. They hung out in the yard for as long as we wanted to stare at / photograph them. Every time I don't see one for a while, I forget how ridiculously tall they are. These things are huge - we're lucky the girls made it back inside safely!
Which is why it's even more embarrassing that it happened again this morning! This time Matt looked, but apparently a baby moose is very well camouflaged against the trees. Fortunately, the dogs again barked and we got them back inside before they even managed to make the baby moose stand up.
The momma moose was nowhere to be found and the baby hung out in our yard for hours today. I finally decided that our yard must be moose daycare. I mean other than our dogs, it's probably a pretty safe place to hang out. And the moose certainly figured out last night that our two pups aren't much of a threat (something about their bark being bigger...?)
We managed to take a photo to show the how close the wildlife in Alaska can get. And he's pretty obvious when you know where to look for him, but I promise if you scanned the yard quick, you probably would have missed him too! :)