We made it through week 22 of staying home!
Natalie was busy “cooking” for me this morning! I love you, babe, but I am 100% sure I don’t want eyeball soup…
The only way I can get my kids to run errands with me is to promise them a treat. We decided on Dairy Queen today and I warned them if they got dipped cones, they would have to eat them fast! Well Henry tried, but it was a melting disaster by the time we had only driven a few blocks.
lol - his face speaks volumes…
This might be the first time ever she has fallen asleep while eating! She was still trying to put a few blueberries in her mouth even while she was clearly asleep. It was the cutest!
And a nap the next day! Maybe she’s decided she doesn’t completely hate naps??
Still up to her old tricks of stealing my chocolate though!
Also she looks adorable in this colorful dress she picked out. But the best part of this photo is that she put her Violet phone on the phone charging stand on my desk. Girl knows what’s up!
Just trying to get some work done and these two weren’t having any of it. Must dive bomb mom with paper airplanes!
(Also every day is pajama day around here these days…)
We’ve been doing a lot of food delivery these days. I am exhausted by the end of most days and it’s not like we can just go out to eat. But this was the first time our pizza boxes have come with a tamper-evident seal.
These are such bizarre times…
In trying to distract the toddler long enough to have a meeting, I thought I would set her a train track up in the entry way so she could play with it and I could keep an eye on her. Surprisingly, she was pretty happy playing with it for quite a while!
So bad news for us… Neema has been out sick for awhile because we were worried she was showing the symptoms of Covid. The mild worry ramped up a little bit when she lost her sense of smell… Well test results finally came back yesterday for her and sure enough - she was positive. And had definitely been in close contact with Natalie when she started showing symptoms.
Given her history of respiratory issues, her pediatrician wanted Natalie to get tested even though she wasn’t showing any symptoms. Homegirl was all excited for a car ride with mom! Until they did the nose swab and she was sooooooo upset. I had to pull over in the hospital parking lot and give her hugs to calm her down.
Luckily the children’s hospital returns tests much faster than the city-run testing sites, so we knew by the next day she was negative.
Thank goodness!
This is what happens when you don’t know your own strength, Henry! ;)
I guess she was just getting my hopes up with those extra naps this weekend. What a mess! Even the teepee was down for the count…!
When you give a toddler chocolate… they will make a big mess!
At least she likes washing her hands?
Another nap!?! Now she is just messing with me… ha!
I was trying to order the drumsticks without nuts because I love Henry, even though he is totally wrong with his peanut hating. But the only ones they had without nuts were “mini” cones. I was not expecting them to be this mini though!
But no complaints from Natalie - she thinks they are just her size!