We made it through week 7 of staying home.
I’m going to be honest, I am worn out. This stay at home business was temporary, but it’s looking more and more like it’s not so temporary after all. And it’s been a struggle with work, the kids, their school and a very energetic 2 year old. I could feel myself getting more and more stressed out. The limit was when I was trying to finish an email after hours, Henry came in to ask me for something and just keep asking me questions until I finally snapped at him. The look on his face was pretty devastating and I realized that none of us were handling this terribly well. So I promised them I’d take this week off and we’d have a better week.
I gave myself a haircut! I mean, it’s wasn’t dramatic, but I was in desperate need of a trim before all this started and it clearly wasn’t getting better…
And more family bike rides!
The boys and I went out on our own too! Henry is doing so well on his bicycle that I thought we’d try a long ride for him. He did absolutely awesome!! We did a few big loops at the greenway and he was still up for more (after a little rest stop, of course).
Can you spot Pete the Cat??
Since Henry was up for more, we headed off through the neighborhood over to Turtle Rock! There was a trio of turtles there to greet us. All said, he made it over 3 miles and just did awesome! So proud of both of my biking boys. :)
Since it was my “vacation”, I decided to get in some relaxing time by the pool. Of course, the boys wanted to join in, so I got to listen in on their school videos they were assigned this week.
Side note - Henry knows how to chillax with the best of them. ;)
And of course, Mommy free time means more play time for Natalie! Water table play time to be exact!
And lots of walks with mom! I mean, these are normal, but more fun when momma has had a relaxing day?
And more fun for momma when someone else will pull the wagon for a little while…? ;)
Oh and of course plenty of treats - gotta love that push-pops are still around!
These are absolutely my favorite pajamas that Henry has. I mean, breakfast is pretty much my favorite meal of the day, so why wouldn’t I love them. Mmmm I should have made waffles!
Ok, so the morning walk was a bit of a fail this morning… Thomas slipped and fell before we even left the house, banging his head on the stool in the process. But he was still up for going on a walk once I gave him an ice pack. Then Henry slipped on the wet concrete, fell and scraped off his elbow.
Ok fine, universe, this walk is clearly not meant to happen.
Getting some art time in! Coloring her favorite animal, despite her dad trying change her mind. ;)
The balloon that her nanny bought her for her birthday is finally starting to lose it’s float! Lol - it’s been tied to the top of the stairs for months now and I was convinced it would just last forever…
Morning water table time. She’s got her water fun and I’ve got my caffeine - can’t beat that start to the day!
Obviously part of the week was spent making sure Thomas had a great birthday party, but that’s the subject of another blog (success, I think!). Overall, it was a good week away from all of the stresses and hopefully gets me through another few weeks (hopefully not months…!).