Even though the days are 100% blurring together, somehow the family still remembered Mother’s Day!
Look at this crazy bunch of kids. Love them to death!
Thomas and Matt took pancake duty. There was no buttermilk to make the usual AB Pancakes - and Matt couldn’t exactly do any of the usual substitutions for it since he still brings up that one time I used vinegar in milk instead and ruined his whollllllllllle breakfast. (It’s a thing and they were fine.)
Either way, Thomas took his pancake making job very serious! Look at that concentration!
Henry decided to make yogurt parfaits! He hasn’t made them since Alaska, but he was so excited when I told him we had all the ingredients. I mean, we had to crumble up a Nature’s Valley granola bar for the top, but it worked!
Look at that proud face - he even cut up the strawberries all on his own!
Also, look at that yummy bacon in the background! A great Mother’s Day Breakfast! :)
No real plans for the day, but we got some good hang out time in anyhow! Thomas ordered a set of weapons for his Lego people with his birthday gift card and they finally came in. So they were telling me all about the giant Lego war they had going on.
This girl has unfortunately figured out the fridge water dispenser. We’re pretty good at using the child lock, but not always… And then she likes to make a mess with whatever water she can get out of the fridge before getting busted.
Since she was already wet, we decided to go play with the water table! Look at these crazy kids still wearing their PJs and getting water ev-er-y-where! They were using the water bombs to attack the blast door (patio table) like a recent episode of Stargate they had seen. Henry is only making a sad face because he was behind the blast door and didn’t realize that it wasn’t water proof. ;)
Love you, my three weirdos, thanks for a fun day despite being stuck at home! :)