
C-19 Week 14

Made it through week 14 of staying home!


I might be a little bit of a sucker for how much Natalie loves Baby Shark. After she chunked the hard plastic Momma Shark at me one morning (I think it was an accident?), I decided to buy her a softer Daddy Shark for carrying around with her. She was so excited that she needed to introduce stuffed Daddy Shark to sticker Daddy Shark!


This girl loves everything music related! She is always singing and has discovered that Daddy’s smaller ukulele is just her size. She may not have any chords down yet, but she loves strumming with Daddy!


Having Neema back has been great, but even with another pair of eyes on Natalie, she tends to run and slam into my office door to gain illicit entry. (Especially if one of the boys is doing a class on the TV in there.) I am hoping out of sight = out of mind and used wrapping paper to block off her ability to see any fun she is missing. Side benefit is that it is almost tall enough to block the boys. Sadly, then can jump high enough to see in… ;)


Henry was having a rough evening and Natalie gave him hugs to make him feel better. He was really upset, so it ended up being a pretty long hug - she stuck with it, even though at one point she was looking at her food while patting his back. It was hilarious and adorable!


She also discovered that mommy’s bagels are pretty tasty when I gave her a small bite. Now I have to share my bagels if she is around.


Sometimes I am only half paying attention to the kids and don’t quite catch what is happening at first. Case in point at lunch - she was saying something that I couldn’t understand. I looked over and realized she was saying “trinagle!” while making one with her necklace. Well aren’t you just the smartest of the smarty pants?!?


It’s getting so hot outside. Pretty much every outside time ends with popsicles!

Or starts with popsicles...

Don’t judge.


She was riding her bike, then decided she was done and ran back to the garage. She then reappeared with the tiny skateboard! We bought that when Thomas was just under a year old, but she might be the first kid to actually try to master it though!


The boys weren’t going to be left out of the fun yet and soon we had three skateboards on the front path. They are going to need to enlist their dad for help though, I have no skateboarding skills and not sure 37 is the time to start learning! :)