
C-19 Week 17

Made it through week 17 of staying at home!


Natalie has been doing a much better job of staying in her toddler bed, so we decided to upgrade her! She was very interested in what Daddy was building her, but she's pretty convinced it's a jungle gym.


My little helper! She was pretty helpful on breaking spaghetti for a casserole I was making. I thought maybe her helping me might motivate her to eat some of it. Lol - no.

Though if I'm being honest, the boys wouldn't eat it either. I was pretty irritated with them, it was actually quite good and they were being toots about it. They may have gotten a lecture about not saying rude things about food that other people make for them…


An appt for Natalie this week and I don't get out enough to stop my habit of bringing a full coffee with me. I can't take my mask off to drink it at the doctor's office!

Sigh… This new normal won't sink in.


Natalie gets a pass though since it's feeding therapy. It was her six month review off progress and man is she doing awesome! We've still got to work on more volume, but she's not having hardly any issues with the technical side of eating. We haven't had to dig food out of her cheek in forever!


Since it's been awhile since the Jeep bed has made an appearance here, I thought everyone might need a reminder how awesome it is!


I spent some time this weekend working on the closet in the boys “Lab” since it was previously full of Jeep bed pieces. Now that we have more space, I was able to organize the boys many costumes better. Which means I had new characters appearing all week - like this slightly moody pirate. :)


I also realized the boys don't make an appearance in my photos nearly enough, so I tried to remember to get more photos of them. Even if it means a selfie post-spinning!


They didn't seem very excited… Maybe I was a little sweaty and possible stinky…? ;)


Her brothers taught her the face making by pulling out her cheeks. But the straw was all her addition. Weirdos, all three of them!


Made the mistake off promising the boys sno-cones. The drive through at the place we usually go is open, but I think everyone had the same idea! We sat in line for-e-ver…

At least Henry got a nap in?


New swimsuit for Natalie! I saw this print and fell in love- unicorns and dinosaurs?!? But it wasn't pink, so I wasn't sure she'd like it. I let her look at all the color options and she actually picked it as her favorite!

Maybe the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree! ;)


Doesn’t he look like he’s having a refreshing time in the pool??

It’s a lie! The pool is 94°! I refused to get in because I had just finished spinning and I needed a cool shower, not a hot pool.

But the boys don’t care at all, they still had fun. Oh to be a kid again and not care about water temps. ;)