We made it through week 25 of staying home!
So much drama caused by simply asking my oldest to put his clean laundry away… lol. I’m all trying to have a serious work meeting and someone is launching undies at my door.
I didn’t want to go swimming at all after a long day of meetings. But how on earth do I say no to his cute face? She already had her swimsuit out and she’s learned to sweetly ask “Natalie go swim?”
So we clearly went swimming. She’s impossible to say no to sometimes…
But other times, it’s a little easier…
She’s pretty much living in her new pink shoes and I noticed at bath time that she’s getting some bad callouses from not giving her feet a break. She wears them to bed and I have to sneak them off her feet after she falls asleep. So I thought I would be smart tonight and put her in footed pajamas so her pink shoes wouldn’t fit. Well that worked, but led to this epic meltdown.
I did try to compromise and let her use her brother’s camo crocs, but since they aren’t cute pink dinosaurs, she wasn’t on board. It ended up with her just having to get over this one.
Caught this guy reading the comics on an old planner of mine he found in the office. I wasn’t sure he even got the jokes, but he seemed to enjoy them. Looks like such an old little man sitting there reading Dilbert comings over his glasses. :)
The upside to making Taco’s every Tuesday is that we usually have leftover taco meat to make nachos later in the week. And we all looooooove nachos! But wait - this isn’t our kitchen…
Did we make it through week 25 by not staying home???