Given the success of the first Texas road trip, we decided to join the rest of Matt’s family up in Dallas this weekend to celebrate Easter! It was even nicer since the schools and work both count Good Friday as a holiday and we got a 3 day weekend out of it!
We had a non-rushed drive up to Dallas on Friday and got there with enough daylight to hang out in the yard enjoying the nice Texas spring weather! Natalie was super excited about walking around the yard and discovering all the “treasures” Grannie has hiding there.
Matt has been obsessively talking about buying a truck for years (so many years!). He was so close to buying one in 2017. It was in Fairbanks and he was talking about flying up there with his dad (who was in town) and driving it back down. So I tried to force him to follow through by buying them on-way plane tickets. Luckily Alaskan airlines has a 24 hour cancellation policy, so I refunded the tickets when I realized he still wasn’t going to go. But since we have moved down, he’s ramped up the truck searching again.
He was chilling on his mom’s couch on his phone when he sprang into action! “I have found the truck!”, he proclaims. “I am going to go buy it!” Neither I, nor any of his friends he was texting with believed him. But he has shocked us all and came back to the house with a brand spanking new tank! Ahem, truck!
Saturday morning, I drug everyone out of bed with a mixture of cajoling and threatening to make sure I got Cafe Brazil this morning! Since I skipped our usual Texas trip last year, I haven’t had it in sooooo long!
While they were moving slow as can be getting out of the house, they both seemed pretty excited about the candy pancakes!
I tried to give Natalie some of the fruit off of my usual pancrepe breakfast, but she wasn’t terribly interested. I even offered her the strawberries and blackberries, not just the bananas I didn’t want! ;)
There was a slight snafu last night with the wiper blade on the truck, so he had to take it back to get it fixed. But once it was ready to leave the lot again, the boys abandoned me to ride with their dad in his monster truck!
The rest of the family arrived and they brought Easter gifts for the kids! Natalie was in love with her pretty bunny ears! :)
I wouldn’t let the boys start looking for easter eggs until they took a photo with their sister. Probably would have had a better photo if I hadn’t stuck Thomas right in the sun, but by the time I realized my mistake they were not going to stop easter egg hunting to take another photo… Ha!
Thomas and Buckwheat were by far the most energetic of the easter egg hunters. He was running all over the place grabbing eggs and Buckie was never far behind.
Henry was more on a mission to find all of the easter eggs that were too high for him to reach and making Aunt Jo help him get them.
Thomas did take a quick stop from running to smile for me - mostly because he could tell he was sooooo far ahead of Henry!
Natalie even managed to find one and claim it! Good thing she didn’t find many more since I didn’t have a basket for her…
Also, doesn’t she look extra adorable in her bright clothes on this bright day??
Eliza was more than happy to just lay in the grass and not get involved with the egg hunting. She finally got her Texas haircut, so she no longer looks like a wooly gray sheep.
Looks like they ended up about even on the eggs they found! And they both had a blast! Thanks again to the nephews for hiding all of the eggs for them - you did a great job! :)
Road tripping back to Houston and we had to stop for a break to feed her and let the boys play at the rest stop playground. Unfortunately, the play ground was closed!!! They weren’t too upset and we just gave them races to run in an attempt to wear themselves out. Everybody looks pretty happy to be out of the car for a little while!
I got the one cute photo out of them and then the little one spotted her food syringe and grabbed it. I had to stop taking photos and intervene before she sprayed it everywhere. She’s unfortunately strong enough to be a little bit dangerous with her syringes. Never leave one pre-loaded with water laying around or you will get wet…! ;)