
Random July Photos

July was a pretty awesome & busy month, but not everything fit neatly into a blog post, so here is the usual random photo dump!


I missed out on the air show because we didn’t think taking Natalie was a good idea. But Matt took the boys and they had a blast. I did get to see the Thunderbirds in the days leading up to the air show because they do multiple practice runs right over our work building downtown!


Poor Nonni was just trying to feed Natalie and she got attacked by the paparazzi! Though clearly, she doesn’t seem to mind… ;)


They went from being the paparazzi to being the photography subject. I have been using an app to do monthly photo books from my iPhone and when Grannie said how she loves looking at photos of the boys, I dumped them all on the table. They were more than happy to narrate them for her!


This kid loooooooves to play games and he is surprisingly good at almost all of them. He is on a Guess Who kick right now and asks the most random photos as I meticulously ask questions to narrow the candidates down by roughly half each time.

Of course his first random question this game was “Does your person have a green headband?”

No he wasn’t cheating and yes, he clearly won the game…!


The furry girls don’t much play with dog toys these days, so it was super cute when I caught furry Natalie napping with her sister’s old stuffed rat. She was wiggling her paws in her sleep, I think she was chasing something. :)


This guy is the four-leaf clover finding champ at camp! He had several saved up to show me and one of the other kids in his group made sure to tell me that Thomas was the best at spotting them.


Yay - a normal smile for momma at daycare pick-up! I usually get fussing or tears because he doesn’t want to leave, so smiles are a welcome surprise!


Natalie clearly is catching on that this little tube provides her food, but she’s got the methodology a bit off… ;)


Our weekly run to Costco. I didn’t realize how Alaskan Thomas looked until we were there walking around. Shorts, long sleeves and snow boots… This kid is clearly not a Texan these days!


Look at Little-Miss-Sitting-Up-On-Her-Own! She’s not fully up without falling over, but she can hold this little tripod lean pretty well! I was so proud and sent this photo to her therapists and realized later what an epic line of drool she had from her mouth to the floor… whoops!

This kid begged to do the dishes this morning! And went and got his step stool so he could reach. Ummm… yes, please?!?

Pajama day at daycare fell on the same day I scheduled their dentist appointments. All of the staff gave him compliments on his minion pjs and just how cool he is in general. Though I do realize now that he is probably outgrowing those pjs…


Thomas had his dentist appointment as well and I didn’t want to take him back to camp just to retrieve him in an hour or two. So he got to come hang out with me at work and play on the iPad. He was so well behaved and fun to chat with - I wish bring your kid to work was more of a thing!