
Daytrip to Talkeetna

The summer is almost halfway over and it is starting to feel like it’s wasting away. I usually plan out of town activities for almost all of our 3 day weekends over the summer and this year we haven’t gone anywhere. I think it’s pretty understandable given the circumstances, but when Matt’s mom and sister came for a visit, I thought it was a good excuse to try a daytrip with everyone!


I didn’t manage to get a photo of all of us, but it wasn’t from a lack of trying! I took Grannie and JoAnna over to the sign and neither one of them would take a photo. I knew Grannie was bad about letting me take photos, but Aunt Jo may have been worse. Well you know I wasn’t going to waste a chance to make someone take a photo of me with two of the kids. It’s rare I get more than a selfie with them most of the time!


I did win on where we ate lunch though and those of you who know me will not be at all surprised - the Talkeetna Roadhouse! It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been here, but it’s still as tasty as ever. And now all of the kiddos have been there as babies, even Thomas was there for his first Thanksgiving when we were up visiting. Of course, Natalie is a little young too get any tasty morsels, but she was happy enough with her meal of milk.


She was also highly entertained watching the antics of her brothers and dad. After being cooped up in the car for 2+ hours, they wanted to let off a little bit of steam. Thankfully the Roadhouse is family friendly enough that a little tickle fight in the corner went completely unnoticed.


Of course, the phone offered by Grannie won out over tickling. So Matt started using Natalie to attack Thomas. Thomas was paying absolutely zero attention to who was tapping on his ear…


He whacked back thinking it was his dad and was a bit “uh-oh!” when he realized he had almost whacked his sister. Thankfully Matt has good reflexes an no impact actually happened, but Thomas still felt pretty bad! And his dad didn’t hesitate to say “Remember when you hit your sister?” the rest of the day. So mean!


Even though her daddy was using her to attack her older brothers, this little girl couldn’t be happier hanging out anywhere else. She loves her dad the best! He’s the most fun! :)


Part of the reason I get nervous about traveling these days is her feeding difficulties and extra equipment. The other part is having to pump several times a day, which never seems to correspond to her feeding schedule. So of course I had to pump at some point while the rest of the gang roamed around Talkeetna and I was stuck in a warmer than expected car. Sigh - the things we do for our kids!

Also, this is the photo Jo texted me from their walk down to the river. Glad to know our stroller can do some moderate off-roading. And I have to admit that it was several times of looking at this photo before I even noticed Henry. Ha - I am not the most observant…


But I finally reunited with the group and got to hang out on main street with the kids to enjoy the beautiful day. It may not have been the best summer for travelling, but the weather has certainly been awesome this year!

And the trip was pretty much a success, so maybe, just maybe I will be up for more short trips. We’ll see…