
Trick-or-Treat in the Street!

Since we like to over celebrate certain holidays, there was no way we were going to miss out on Trick-or-Treat in the Street! And since it’s relatively easy to bring the stroller along, that means it was a family outing!

You can see the boys were both only half interested in dressing up (ha!). Natalie was all in with her adorable unicorn outfit though! And Henry was, of course, giving me ridiculous expressions while I was trying to take photos.


Asking him to sit up and give me a real smile didn’t really improve the situation much… Though Thomas must have thought I was talking to him since he did sit up a little bit straighter. Natalie clearly ignored me - she was too busy waving her arms around like a crazy unicorn.

Also, I kept asking Thomas if he was a meter maid (like in Zootopia!) and he would get so irritated with me because he was clearly a crossing guard. Oh yeah, obviously.


I love her little unicorn outfit. I was just going to let her wear the giraffe, but I saw this at Target and how on earth could I resist such cuteness???


Apparently it was nice and cozy too! It was a little chilly outside, but she was nice and toasty while we were walking down the street collecting candy. She doesn’t even know the excitement she is missing!


Pretty sure this nice police officer snuck Thomas an extra piece of candy since he was dressed as a police officer again this year. :)


Just like last year, we gave up a little earlier on the actual trick-or-treating and headed for the ice cream shop. Henry was not impressed by the fact we had to wait a few minutes.


I love their Halloween names! The boys both settled on the Blood Red. I didn’t think they would really like, but they were insistent!


All smiles about their raspberry sorbets!

But as predicted, neither one of them was interested in actually eating the whole thing. “I don’t like it…”

They’re pretty adorable anyhow. :)


They were happy with the hot chocolates at the next stop though!


Matt & I had a halloween party at a friend’s house tonight, so Aunt Heather came over for the traditional early Halloween party! And she made them slime with glitter glue…

Thanks, Aunt Heather…

I’m just teasing, the kids had a blast and didn’t even care we weren’t hanging out with them all night. It’s nice to get away for a little bit of fun and they like having fun without us sometimes. Win-win!