September in Alaska means it’s time to go to the Fair! Mom was game for a birthday visit to our second favorite state fair. We are clearly spoiling her this year! ;)
The Elam family was also going to the fair today and we managed to show up at the same time without planning it. Our first stop at the fair is always the fried cheese curds and their crew had never had them! Clearly Abby was a fan as neither her or Henry would stop eating them long enough to smile at the camera. Thomas smiled for me, but had ranch smeared on the side of his mouth. Ha - these kids get into their food!
Abby was pretty excited to finally meet Natalie and baby girl was pretty enthralled by Abby as well. You can see she’s quite intently staring at her new friend! (And if you look close you can see Abby’s reflection in her shades)
Nonni was particularly excited about the baby chickens and probably telling the boys about how we used to hatch baby birds. They were suitable impressed. :)
My favorite is always the petting zoo! These little farm animals are so over-fed and they don’t seem to mind at all. And even though I rarely have any form of cash on me, today I had enough quarters for the boys to actually get to feed them!
Henry was pretty selective about who he wanted to give the food too, but decided this wooly sheep looked worthy. He claims it was yelling at him to be fed, which is pretty believable. ;)
Chickens are not the first animal I would think of including in a petting zoo, but these hens didn’t seem to mind and the boys were pretty excited about petting them. So I guess someone is smarter than me…
The sun was finally warming up the day and these three decided to try their hand at hula hooping. These boys have many talents, but hula hooping is not yet one of them. Thomas was giving it his best shot, but it was just not happening. Nonni had hers up forever and the boys were super impressed!
We headed over to the lumberjack show, but it was so crowded that the girls decided to sit it out and let the boys have fun without us. Natalie enjoyed the chance to get out of her stroller and getting some snuggle time with Nonni.
I enjoyed a little time in the shade - that sun is super hot when it is out and beating down on you!
She wants mommy’s camera! You can just barely see the clear line coming off the back of her BAHA today - it’s the safety line and we figured it was probably a good idea to use it. Usually if she pulls the BAHA off the band, we can hear it squealing but that would be challenging at the fair! And losing it would be a nightmare. So safety line it was!
Pilot Henry ready for take-off! They decided they needed their own helicopters to be their own pilots. Henry was super exited about being a big boy and not needing his brother. (I wasn’t - stop growing up, you two!)
This guy smiled and waved! He’s usually so serious when he is piloting the helicopter, but not today! Love that smile. :)
Another successful fair visit in the books and what a beautiful day for it. Thanks for the sunshine today, Alaska!