Almost a year old!!! I can’t believe we are almost to having a year old baby! Time is straight up flying at this point… :(
Nonni bought her the cutest winter themed dresses that I had to use the penguin one for this photo shoot. First chance to use one of the blue bows! Looks so nice with her beautiful blue eyes, huh??
My absolute favorite photo that she will probably kill me for in about 15 years, but I love the tongue, the hands, just everything. You are the goofiest little baby and I love you, Natalie! :)
Thomas was insistent that he needed his new Christmas socks before joining the photos! They were part of the Advent Calendar that we actually picked up in Seattle while we were killing time. He loves them!
“Ok you three - everybody smile!”
Haha - yeah right…
I have no idea how Henry and Natalie have such perfectly matching expressions, but she straight up blocked Thomas from the photo!
And now Henry….
“Wait a minute, where did my card go??”
This is the closest to three smiling faces that I got. :)
Clearly I had angered the girl by taking her card, so I gave it back. She’s not sure she is ready to forgive me. Lol.
Are you guys even trying?!?!
(I do love these out-takes so much though.)
Natalie must have noticed the look on my face when her brother’s were making these ridiculous faces behind her, so she had to check it out.
Thomas smiles, Henry refuses to give up his stretch smile and Natalie throws me some Blue Steel. These goobers…
Oh no, she’s going for the camera again. I almost can’t say no to those blue eyes, but when my camera is involved I can! ;)
And she’s done… all I get now is her back. Thomas may not have been helping by trying to play peek-a-boo with her. ;)
I found the boy’s old aquarium crib toy the other day and was pleasantly surprised to see that it (mostly) worked once we replaced the batteries in it. She seems to like it as much as they used to!
She was entertained for a few minutes with the fish, but then started demanding to be released from this jail cell! ;)
Happy 11 months to my absolutely amazing and crazy little baby girl!