It's that time of year again! Fair time!!
Unlike last year, it was not terribly sunny and warm... Honestly, this whole summer wasn't terribly sunny or warm. Hopefully that means we will have a nice winter to make up for summer being a little lame?
Matt and I actually went to the fair last night as well for a concert! I heard Third Eye Blind was coming and knew we *had* to go! We have spent sooo much time jamming their first album that I wanted to see them live. I was worried they would only play newer stuff, but they played so many old ones - including our absolute favorite: Motorcycle Drive By!
Thanks so much to Nonni for watching the kids so we could have a date night! (And it only rained on us a teensy bit...)
And since I was already on the state fair website booking special events, I decided to buy tickets for the Monster Truck show. I absolutely love monster trucks and haven't seen them since we left Texas. I figured it would probably be a little lame compared to MONSTER JAM!!!, but the boys would probably still think lame trucks were cool!
I got *so* excited when I saw this guy from a distance. "No way that Grave Digger is here!!!" And he wasn't, but when I saw this guy was named Identity Theft, I decided that was worth loving him too. :) He even got some good jumps in!
Which brings us to the fence situation. We always sit fairly high at the Monster Jam because we have read too many horror stories about tire flying off of the trucks and into the crowd. And then I buy tickets that literally have us at tire level. So while it was fun, I doubt we will be doing this again...!
The bikes were equally as exciting to the boys and not nearly as scary to the parents. Well maybe a little scary to the person still nursing a broken collarbone...?
I would just like to include this photo because Henry is so adorable. And he even was willing to wear his ear muffs - which is a miracle sometimes. ;)
Actually, they requested the ear muffs back for the lumberjack show! We don't usually have them and they end up covering their ears, so they were pretty happy this time. We made it through the show and a few more snacks before these guys decided it was too cold and they wanted to go home. So not our longest visit to the fair, but given that I got fair food last night, I was ok with calling it a day.
Here's hoping for more sun next year! :)