
Random November Photos

Such a crazy month, which is bleeding over to a crazy December, but it wasn't without quite a bit of random fun!


This kid is still loving Tae Kwon Do. Look at all these stickers he has collected on his belt! I'm still not 100% sure what the yellow ones are for, but the black are for skills and red are for the responsibility sheets that we do at home. One red sticker away from being ready for his belt test!


Henry also got pretty good at FaceTime and talking on the phone while he was away for those two weeks. Nonni looks pretty happy to be getting some one-on-one time with her youngest grandson, huh??


Soccer got bumped up an hour one day, so I promised Thomas we would go get donuts after to make up for a more rushed morning. He thought my paw prints I made out of the donut holes were pretty awesome too. :)


I promised Thomas he could pick something fun to do both weekends we were on our own and I was not at all surprised when he picked the trampoline park one day. Look at that grin - he loves this place!


It was finally belt test day! I told Thomas I wouldn't be able to make it to his test because of work, but at some point that afternoon realized there wasn't anything I couldn't miss and left work to go see the majority of his test. Plus since I was there, I got to hold the board he had to break at the end of his test. I am not sure who was happier about it!

He's a white belt with yellow stripe now. Go Thomas!


Henry's soccer gets over about 15 minutes before Thomas' and most of the time he is pretty happy to hang out and watch his brother play. He looked a little bored today though... ;)


Henry had picked out his favorite cookie that he decorated and had been talking about eating it all day. Then Matt stole it and pretended to eat it. Henry absolutely flipped out. Obviously he got his cookie back, but the moment of captured drama was just too hilarious to not share.

I am sure this will come up in therapy at some point...


The days getting shorter makes it the perfect time of year to watch movies. And movie watching isn't complete without popping some popcorn. Thomas does a great job keeping an eye on the popper for me. :)


We had a last minute change in Thanksgiving plans that meant we had to stay home instead of going to Talkeetna like we had planned. On the bright side, we finally got to use our electric turkey fryer we got on post-Thanksgiving clearance last year! It worked like a champ. :)


Also thanks to the last minute change, I wasn't quite up to doing a full Thanksgiving meal. Luckily, there is a place in town that had a fully prepped meal to order that only required minimal cooking. I was sold on that idea and it turned out great! We obviously substituted our own turkey and I swapped out the too-fancy mashed potatoes for some normal ones. Overall, it was awesome and made even better by Ben & Kathryn joining us even though it was last minute. (Kathryn provided the awesome dinner rolls>)


I think all Henry ate was a roll and mashed potatoes, but he certainly loved the fancy sparkling apple-peach cider I let him have!


Thomas tried most of what was on his plate, but he was most excited by the fact that dinner didn't take "forever". Apparently Heather's slightly delayed dinner last year left quite the impression on him... 


Speaking of impression - check out this awesome turkey Matt drew on our message board by the door. We were all quite impressed by this turkey that showed up one morning. Matt gets so much done after we go to bed some nights and last night was clearly an art night!


Totally dropped the ball on teaching the boys to ski so far, but not this year! I booked him for group lessons as soon as they started up this winter. He was so excited to start his lessons!


Henry was not excited about missing out on the lessons, but he isn't quite old enough for the group lessons. I fully plan on letting him do some private lessons once we get Thomas through his first round. So to distract him today, we went and got some of his new favorite breakfast treats - sticky buns!


The boys have been super excited to start decorating for Christmas, but I have a firm "Must get past Thanksgiving first" rule in the house. But the day after Thanksgiving, we are full on Christmas spirit around here!


The frog hats haven't gotten much love recently, but they were recently rediscovered and worn all day. Matt helped keep Henry's frog hands out of the way while he was getting ready for bed by tying them out of the way. :)


These kids love fun bath time and we got a new can of bath foam thanks to Aunt Heather. I did the usual foam snakes, but the I had the brilliant idea of making Henry a foam Santa beard. Clearly, he loved it!

Obviously, we can't wait for Christmas! :)