
More Cookie Decorating!

We had a lot of leftover icing from our cookie decorating and Henry was a bit bummed that he had missed out on the fun. So there was only one thing left to do - make more cookies!!


It was about this time that Thomas told me he thought I had too many sprinkles. Such hurtful things he says to me...!


Henry was super excited about the new jars of sprinkles. They both loved the fact that they came with their own little spoons. 


Thomas was also a little disgruntled that the icing had changed consistency since the last time. I tried stirring it again with a little more effort and it mostly got back to where it was before. But I got to hear about how it messed up this particular cookie for the rest of the night...


And then Henry kinda dropped the jar of sprinkles... It was super loud and dramatic and then there were sprinkles everywhere...! Henry was clearly thinking he was going to be in trouble. 


I figured it was bound to happen and just glad that the jar hadn't broken. Natalie managed to get some of the mess cleaned up before I could get the vaccuum out, but it was all cleaned up in short order. 


Clearly, he recovered from the incident just as quickly! ;)


What can I say, we like the random assortment of cookies. Thought we did throw in a turkey since Thanksgiving was coming! :)