
Halloween Cookies

As much as I love decorating cookie, it has been a long time since we have decorated them! Brittney texted me a few days ago to ask a cookie decorating question and it was definitely an inspiration to make some cookies!


Thomas was, of course, on board with making Halloween themed cookies. Though you can see that we used more than just the standard Halloween cutters. And the Texas cookie cutter made an appearance (as always!).


Heather had invited us over to a Halloween themed dinner party, but the original planned day didn't work out, so she rescheduled to tonight. I told her that was fine as long as we could bring our cookie decorating stuff with us. Obviously, she didn't mind!


Thomas was a decorating champ! Sometimes the boys lose interest after a few cookies, but he powered through some cookies. I think it was the candy eyeballs - he put them on almost every cookie he decorated.


Not a bad assortment of cookies, huh? Heather's friend may have put a big line across one of my Texas cookies, so I altered it to make it a happy Texas. Don't Mess With Texas!


Heather didn't get to decorate with us since she was busy in the kitchen making us dinner. Thomas thought the mummy bread, meatball eyes and worm pasta was the coolest Halloween dinner ever. He even took some home with him to pack for lunch the next day. Clearly a win in his book!


Unlike the caramel apples! He was fine with eating an apple on a stick, but he wanted nothing to do with the caramel or the crushed up toppings. Sometimes there is no explaining this kid... ;)