It's rare that we have company over for dinner during the week because kids and work and all that jazz, but we made an exception today! Two of my good friends, Chris & Kelly, are moving away and I wanted to have them over before I left on a long trip to Texas and missed the chance to properly say goodbye.
As it turns out, they weren't the only guests to show up for dinner!
We were standing around chatting when we noticed this adorable moose calf chowing down on some greenery in the back yard. There haven't been hardly any moose sightings in the back yard this year, so it was super exciting! And he didn't seem too bothered by me taking photos from the safety of the porch. Though he is quite clearly keeping an eye on me...
Matt missed seeing the baby calf because the little guy wandered off shortly after the photos were taken and Matt hadn't quite made it home yet.
But a few hours later, Daddy Moose showed up to say hi! I honestly don't think we have ever had a bull moose wander into the yard. I have no idea if single dad's exist in the moose world, but that was the consensus from the four of us.
He just walked over the fence like it was no big deal. This was also the point Matt suggested I should come back inside. Don't worry - I was headed that way! Thank goodness for good zoom lenses that keep you at a relatively safe distance... ;)
Daddy Moose hung around the yard for a little while as well to enjoy our greenery. I was worried that he was going to step on the kid's sandbox, but he thoughtfully steered clear!
What a gorgeous guy! And Matt must have cleaned the windows recently because the photos turned out crystal clear in spite of being shot from indoors. (Safety first!)
A proper dinner party with Alaska wildlife to send our dear friends off to the lower 48. We are going to miss you guys terribly! :)