I could have sworn that I *just* posted about Thomas turning 4, but then suddenly it's almost the end of May. I have no idea what happened! I mean, maybe the week after the party was pure laziness and a bit of zoning out after all that effort that went into throwing a good birthday party...
I know the following weekend was beautiful because I have the photos to prove it! Look at all that sunshine and my rad little man chilling out during bubble time.
And I vaguely recall making sure that we made Thomas write Thank You cards to all of his friends. (Sorry family - I swear we will get to you all soon!) His writing has gotten so much better, but he still has a bit of trouble with letter sizing. But I think people should be able to get the point of the cards. Oh and apparently his scribbling all over the place while coloring can be mostly fixed if you tell him that he is coloring it for a friend. Then he's all about staying inside the lines!
Mother's Day - I very much remember that! Matt decided to spoil me by making me dinner *and* cooking my favorite thing to eat - lamb! He's not generally interested in eating lamb, so I usually only get it when we eat out at nice restaurants. And then I generally embarrass him by gnawing all of the meat off the bones (sorry polite people in Juneau who may have witnessed that!).
So I was super excited about this lamb dinner! And you know the sous vide got pressed into service, because it is amazing at making perfect dinners. :)
To be truthfully honest, part of my "checking out" for the month has to do with that little device sitting next to my phone. My mother's day present (apart from the awesome lamb and starbucks latte) was a Kindle. I have avoided getting a Kindle for a very specific reason that Matt apparently wasn't aware of...
Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am a book addict.
Seriously, I have so much trouble putting it down. I was googling to see if I could enable parental controls to lock myself out after a set time amount. And all these people online were being all judgy and telling inquiring parents to "Just take the Kindle away from them - you're the parent!". Ummm - but what if the parent is the problem...?
I did manage to put it down long enough to eat the super awesome dinner Matt threw together. Look, he even made grilled peaches! I didn't even realize they had made it up to Alaska already. Woo!
But what else has been distracting me from blogging?
I feel like I didn't read all last weekend...
Why was that?
Oh that's right! We decided that Henry was ready to give up his diapers and followed the same (slightly insane) plan we did with Thomas and threw all the diapers away and went straight to underwear. Needless to say, most of my free time that weekend was chasing Henry around the house with the carpet cleaner...
He's actually picked it up like a champ! And I don't feel bad for the above photo because he's not actually going to the bathroom in said photo. I know this because he insists he is "too little" for the big potty. This is completely untrue, but I'll let him stick with that illusion for now. ;)
Last weekend was not quite as stressful as the first weekend of big boy undies, but was super rainy and dreary. So I I decided that Henry deserved for his very own cape since he is obviously such a super little man. I am by no means a seamstress and it took me two runs to the fabric store to buy the correct amount of fabric, but I finally managed to power through and throw together a reasonable match to Thomas' awesome cape. Brittney made the cape Christmas of 2014 for both him and his birthday bud, Wallace.
I did my best to match the cape, but you can see it's a little different. Chalk it up to creative differences or lack of pre-planning, but Henry doesn't seem to mind the differences. He loves being a "super"! Since I was holding my sister's sewing machine hostage, I also made him a new sheet since his UK sourced crib won't take US sized sheets. It seemed more exciting to make him a Star Wars sheet instead of paying through the nose to ship one from the UK. I will do my best to get photos of it before he outgrows the bed.
Speaking of his bed - we took the rails off of it a few weeks and he hasn't fallen out of it once!
I told you he was Super! :)