
A Bubble Tornado!

I'd like to pretend that I'm not always jumping on the bandwagon or copying the latest trends. But when your bestie posts photos of her kid's new bubble machine and how much her kids love it - it kinda makes you want to go on Amazon and order it for your kids. Especially once you find out it was a gift from another friend who also has one for her kids. That's enough of a testimonial for me - bubble machine ordered!

Since we don't have the fancy schmancy 2-day shipping we used to enjoy in Texas, I'm always surprised when I get a package. I have a tendency to forget about them because they take so long to get here. But not the bubble machine - I was keeping a close eye on when this baby was arriving!

I convinced myself that I was only buying it for Thomas' upcoming birthday party, but decided we had to try it out to make sure it was as awesome as everyone was claiming. There are several versions (Tornado, Hurricane & Typhoon), but Theresa claimed this one was the best.

As you might be able to tell, Thomas was pretty excited about it once I turned it on!

Henry was still finishing up his dinner when we started playing with it, so after letting it go for a minute, we decided we should wait for him so it didn't run out of bubble juice. Henry doesn't look too enthused about being outside when it is his scheduled bath time. Thomas is trying to turn on the bubble machine to wow his brother. 

"Look at all the bubbles Henry!!!"

Can you tell how much Thomas likes it?? Also, this thing spits out sooooo many bubbles! It was a little windy outside, so it did a much better job once we got it closer to the house and blocked some of the wind. 

Henry was surprisingly a little cautious about the bubbles.

At first...

Soon he was just as excited as his older brother! You can tell by the fact he is levitating off the ground. ;)

Heck, even the adults weren't immune. Mom was playing with the bubbles and I was running through them when I wasn't trying to get photos. We're all kids at heart here!

Matt chased Thomas down and stuck him in the heart of the bubble stream. I never know how the little guy will react to such shenanigans, but he was squealing with laughter on this one. Whew! 

At some point Henry started to get concerned that there were too many bubbles. He started running up and down the driveway yelling "Too many! Too many!!" Maybe he was concerned that there was no way for him to chase them all down? I have no idea - it was pretty hysterical though!

Too many, indeed! There were so many bubbles!

The Bubble Tornado was definitely a hit - a huge hit! We all had a blast playing with it until the bubbles ran out. There's just something about bubbles that makes anyone feel like a kid again. Great recommendation from the Texas contingent, let me know what else we have been missing out on!