
January Phone Photos

I did awful this month at pulling my camera out! Looking back, I took enough photos last month for 11 posts, so I think maybe I was just worn out from taking photos? Which is silly! Luckily for me, even if I don't drag my Nikon out, I still have a camera with me at all times thanks to my phone. And they always say the best camera is the one you have on you! So I figured I would do another month review in phone photos so I didn't feel like such a slacker!

This is what happens when you tell your boys to get their breakfast out of the pantry. I meant for them to grab the cereal, but they went for applesauce and cookies. They generally get applesauce in the morning on their way to daycare, so that I get. But cookies were just wishful thinking! Much to their dismay, they ended up with cereal this morning.

Thomas helping me bake the cookie bars of the week. I think this may have actually been a repeat because we wanted pecan pie bars again. But really, if I make any version 50 times, that's pretty much honoring the concept of making 50 bar cookies, right??

Thomas learned a new trick from his dad at breakfast this morning!

He was pretty proud of himself.

I'll let you decide if I mean Matt or Thomas by that last statement. (Hint: both!)

This little guy is not old enough to start skating lessons, but doesn't he just look like he's ready to tear it up? Soon Henry! Also, I love his little belly hanging out between the chest protector and pants. Reminds me of some of my toddler photos...!

This guy did not want to nap this particular Saturday and I needed to run errands. Matt needed to work on the garage, so I tried to convince Thomas to go with me since he would probably be more of a hinderance to his dada. Finally got him on board when I promised we could stop by the neighborhood park for 5 minutes on our way to the store. Magic words! Also, his hat wasn't in my car, so I improvised with mine and he looked pretty adorable in it. :)

Henry started his tumbling classes again! It's hard to get a photo of him while he is in motion, so I took a selfie while I could. For the record I love taking selfies with my boys and have a photo folder on my phone dedicated to them. Pretty much the only way we end up in photos together!

Another park trip, another round of forgotten kids winter gear. Luckily, I had another hat and Henry didn't seem to mind the giant pink gloves I put on his hands...!

Birthday breakfast with my boys! Also the last time Henry is getting a sprinkle donut for a long time - both he and the floor were covered in sprinkles! 

Last year, Thomas and I hung out for my birthday and he painted me a coffee mug at the ceramic store. This year, my mom and both boys spent the day with me! I was going to get them to share painting the same mug, but it wasn't there! One of the big cargo ships had an issue this week sailing up from Washington and all kinds of stores were low on goods (the downside to living on the edge of the earth!) Since all they had were smaller mugs, Henry got a coffee mug and Thomas picked out this "I Love You" piece. Awwwww!

Birthday dinner at Benihana's! They took a photo of our group at the end and promised everyone was in the photo. When we got the photo, it had everyone but Heather! Sorry this isn't the greatest photo, but I wanted to prove she was actually there! And a good sport about the fact our waiter totally left her out. ;)

Tumbling lessons again! Thomas has aged out of the class they used to be able to do together, so now he sits in the corner during Henry's class and plays lego games on the ipad. He seems pretty happy with the arrangement, but I still feel the need to go check up on him from time to time.

Ok, this isn't a phone photo, but it's literally the only photo on the camera I got for Matt's birthday. Clark had wandered over to one of the Happy Birthday drawings I did for Matt and it looked like he was reading it.

I'm easily amused...!

I made Matt wait until almost the end of his party before I gave him his "real" birthday presents. I had sneakily ordered him a bunch of gear he was daydreaming about for his motorcycle and gear for the related trips and shipped it to Brittney's house. I figured once he opened it, we were going to lose most of the guys to the garage and I was absolutely right. I did manage to surprise the heck out of him and earn "Best Wife Ever" title for at least the month of January! :)

Second ski day with Matt at Alyeska! I took a short lesson last month to try to remember how this whole skiing thing worked and mostly remembered what to do. Matt finally convinced me I could handle the blue trails on the upper mountain and we bought a full mountain pass. The lower mountain pass is less than half the price, but you really only have 4 green trails to work with. After spending the morning on those trails, I was ready to head up Ted's Express after lunch.

Thankfully, I didn't see this sign until the second time up the lift. And I did pretty good on the harder runs, but I did fall a few times and was just way more stressed out in general. I did a few runs, then I went back to the greens after telling Matt I was worn out emotionally. He gave me a hard time about that for days. Sigh...

We had a 7.1 earthquake hit at 1:30 in the morning! It was super scary and we both ran to the kids rooms thinking we could somehow protect / save them. It was quite jarring and felt like it went on forever, but we really didn't have any damage beyond frayed nerves. This picture frame in the hallway fell over, but that was about it. Though the chandelier in the entry way swung for about 15 minutes after the shaking stopped - that was a bit freaky. And we got hit with lots of smaller aftershocks. One downside to Alaska is certainly it's seismic activity. The first few were a novelty - now they are just unsettling...

Last, but not least, Henry and I at Thomas' hockey practice! He's a great sport for not being able to play and is mostly happy to sit with me and watch Thomas. Of course, I occasionally have to chase him down, but overall it's quite fun hanging out with the little guy being a spectator!