
Early Christmas Skype!

Because we moved *so* far from home, sometimes we aren't around family for the holidays. But that doesn't mean we can't utilize technology to spend the holidays together digitally! Plus, the Dallas family had to do Christmas on Friday, so we got to enjoy Christmas for a full long weekend. Woo! 

The kids are doing better at actually staying in front of the camera, but it's still a bit of run away-run back. Unsurprisingly, they did much better once there were presents being opened.

Aunt Jo bought them a book about a Mustache Baby and a set of fake mustaches to go along with it. Henry wouldn't keep them on long enough for me to get a photo, but Thomas was more than happy to ham it up for the camera. 

But the best present she sent was not the fake mustaches...


It was this inflatable T-Rex! It took us a little bit of effort, but we got him blown up so that the boys could show Aunt Jo how excited they were!

But, she didn't stop there - she sent two inflatable dinosaurs. And she figured the 4' dino wouldn't be *that* much bigger than the 3' dinosaur. But he was much, much bigger - we finally got light headed trying to blow him up and switched to using the air compressor to finish him off. Of course, Giant Red T-Rex was promptly turned into a horsey ride. 

Unlike his smaller brethern though, he fought back! There were dinosaurs and kids flying all around the living room. It certainly did a better job keeping them in front of the camera - though it probably looked like pure chaos on the other end. 

We got other fun presents from everyone, but they were clearly overshadowed by the giant dinosaurs. I'm so thankfully for the technology that lets us feel together even when 4,000 miles apart. Merry Christmas to all of our Dallas family! :)