We planted a few strawberry plants earlier this year and I have been 'im'patiently waiting for them to start growing some strawberries. My dad was pretty impressed with the size of our plants compared to the ones he has been growing in Texas. Apparently the nonstop daylight does a good job of making up for the short growing season.
Yesterday Matt noticed some of the strawberries were turing red! Thomas helped me plant them in the pots back in May, so I thought he should help me pick them. He was super excited about the strawberries when we pointed them out.
He isn't the best strawberry picker yet, but he was certainly enthusiast about trying. I should give him a tiny pair of scissors - the vines are just a little too hard for him to break. Too hard to break without mangling the fruit anyhow. ;)
I hadn't noticed how many runners our plants had been sending out until I was out taking photos of them. I read up on them and it turns out you should really cut them off if you want the plant to keep producing fruit. Or you can plant some of the "daughter" plants, but really only the first daughter out - they can send several mini-plants out along the same runner. So I'm going to trim them all back to the first daughter and then figure out if I can plant those before the first frost or not.
Don't worry - Henry didn't miss all of the berry action! We pulled off all of the ripe strawberries and took them inside to divide up between the four of us. These things were so delicious! I now want to plant about 20 plants next spring. Yum!