
Dance Party!

I'm not usually the one who gets the boys ready in the morning during the week. I go in to work before everyone else is up, then leave work earlier than Matt to go get the boys. I know some mornings they can be a handful to get ready, but Matt manages so that the boys don't have to spend over ten hours at daycare. (The sacrifice on my end is usually lack of sleep from not going to bed early enough..)

A few weeks ago, I ended up being the one to take them in to school and apparently I messed up their morning routine. I didn't know that part of that routine was to turn the radio on and have a quick dance party. Silly me! They were pretty vocal about the omission until I remedied it. ;)

This morning they were having fun playing with all of their toys, but started getting little fussy with each other. I figured it was the perfect time to do a dance party to get the mood happy again. They were on board as soon as I turned the oldies music on. (Not that the type of music really matters, they listen to kid's version of top 100 songs at school all the time.)

The two of them have very different dancing styles. Henry's involves a lot of spinning around, leaving over and swinging his hands in the air. He almost looks like he's going for something out of Thriller in this photo...

Thomas enjoys more running around in circles while laughing and clapping. Thomas appears to be getting the better work out from the dance parties. ;)

I think the two of them have awesomely hilarious dance moves. I have tried to shoot videos of them dancing before, but they usually stop as soon as I pull my phone out. I was surprised they let me take so many photos of them dancing and they never stopped. Now I know the trick to keep them dancing!

And yes, they are still in their pajamas and yes, it is after noon. Whatever, it was a laid back morning. I mean, I did drag them along to me with Starbucks in their pajamas, but I used the drive through... They didn't even have to put their shoes on!

Don't judge - the pumpkin spice latte is only here for a limited time!

Plus how else would I see this adorable toddler belly? His shirts are long enough that I would barely get a glimpse. Hurray for the Cars pajamas that are just a teensy bit too short!

Love you and your dance moves, boys. Stay young and excited forever, please!