
Carens! And Corn on the Cob!

It occurred to me on the drive home from work today that Henry is past the age that I started doing dedicated art time with Thomas. He's not deprived - he does plenty of art at school, but he hasn't done much at home. I figured tonight was the perfect time to rectify that - preferably timed to keep him occupied while I made dinner. Multi-tasking!

Henry was so excited about the crayons! He didn't really do much coloring, but he was more than happy to make a mark or two and then just play with the crayons. 

When Thomas realized it was art time, he wanted in on the fun! He wanted to use the crayon gems that I bought Henry for Christmas. They didn't work great for Henry, so I let Thomas have a go at them. He seemed to do just fine with them - here he is explaining to me that the white is no good because you can't see it. And black is too dark...

As a side note - he pronounces them "Carens". I get so confused when he asks for them! "I want to use the Carens!" He has so many cute pronunciations these days. Overall he's pretty good, but he'll slip in the occassional Manna (banana) or Wiza (Eliza). Matt is very good at working on his pronunciation - his momma just thinks it's cute and is not so helpful. Ha!

Thomas picked out the corn on the cob at the grocery store yesterday, so I decided to cook it for dinner tonight. I cut the kernels off of the cob for the boys since eating it off the cob is kinda a mess and they aren't the *most* talented diners. 

Henry ended up throwing the most random fit and it took me forever to realize he wanted my corn and not his. See that sad little tear under his eye? I finally decided he couldn't do too much damage with the mostly cleaned cob and handed it over. He was so excited to get his own cob!

Which, of course, meant Thomas wanted one too. Instead of eating it, he tried to put his kernels back on the cob...

(You can see Henry in the background quite enjoying his mini-cob!)

When that failed, he decided to gnaw on the cob to get the rest of the corn off. Hey - whatever keeps them happy and doesn't hurt them...

Of course, the empty cob wasn't exciting enough to keep Henry's attention for long. He started pointing and grunting at my corn on the cob. It wasn't actually the best piece of corn, so I decided to hand it over just to see his reaction. You would have thought I gave him a hunk of candy - he was thrilled! He mostly just gummed it and smiled at me.

If that's all it takes to make your day Henry, I am all for it. :)