
Still Sick...

The sick days have gotten progressively less fun as we’ve switched from “Have to entertain the kiddos while they miss a few days of school” to full on survival mode of all family members - two of which still have to maintain employment. The boys are overall still in good spirits, but seem to be a more down in the dumps than before. 

After this went on longer than I felt was reasonable, I finally took Thomas in to the doctor. I had called them last Monday after about a week and they told me to call back if it went on another week or they got worse. 5 days later, I felt it was getting worse and took him in. After waiting over the weekend for the lab to be open, we got back the test results - turns out he has Rotavirus.

Rotavirus is super contagious, so the standard procedure is for infants to be vaccinated against it. We follow the standard schedule of vaccines and both of the boys are vaccinated against it. Apparently we have super bad luck, because they both got it and passed it along to us. I read up on the virus and it is not the easiest thing in the world to kill and likes to hang around on any surface it touches. So a full scale house decontamination was in order. All the toys got either a bleach bath / spray or dousing with lysol. Everything that I could got washed in super hot water. The rest was put in a corner in “quarantine” until the surface survival period had passed. 

In doing this, we realized the kids toys have gotten a bit out of control. So we’re going to take it as an opportunity to clean out some toys - especially the ones they don’t play with or had outgrown. The upside to the sick days is that Thomas got a new movie - The Lego Movie. I had rented it when I needed to distract him while working from home and he loved it! The movie even came with an Emmett that lights up. Thomas was a little bummed he didn’t fit on his duple Legos, but he found a way for Emmett to ride on the train anyhow. 

A bit last minute I realized that Easter was this weekend (in my defense, it’s been a pretty distracted two weeks!), so we decided to make some Easter cupcakes. I let him pick the cupcake mix and the liners, but that was all the help he got to provide this time. No reason to risk more contamination than necessary… “/

And since we are all feeling bad, I figured a little hot chocolate might perk up our moods. I asked Thomas if he wanted any and he immediately starts negotiating with me to get whipped cream on it - ha! I at first told him we didn’t have any, but apparently we had a whole can left over from the ski train waffles, so he lucked out (big time!). Look how proud of himself he is! He did lose the negotiations to put the whipped cream on by himself. 

Henry again missed out on the hot chocolate, but was more interested in the goldfish anyhow. I gave him a pretty large pile to snack on and had no idea why he was so upset a few minutes later. Apparently he wanted more and the fact that he could see the box right behind him was just too much torture! Look at that poor face!!

On the other hand, Thomas has pure satisfaction all over his face. Can’t blame him, that was a pretty good cup of hot chocolate. We had intended to make enough to share with Matt, but somehow there was none left when he got home. No idea how that happened…

Luckily the boys finally seem to be improving, so hopefully the boys will be back to their normal routines soon. We’ve managed to make it work even though we’ve both had tons of stuff going on at work, but it was not the most enjoyable two weeks. Can’t wait for the normal level of hectic versus the super crazy levels we’ve had…!