I have done such a good job with the monthly photos! Which means, of course that I missed the arguably most important one of Henry's first year. So you'll notice the title change - since it was already the first, it was technically on Thomas' month anniversary. So to those who are keeping close track, the 33rd sticker got skipped. Even so, I still think I have done a pretty good job. :)
Look at them scoping out each other's stickers. It's like they know...!
Don't they look super ecstatic to be taking photos again? Ha!
Well Henry got excited about something! I have no idea what and Thomas obviously does't care, but look at how ecstatic Henry really is all of a sudden!
Still happy! Thomas has this expression on his face a lot - this is him in the middle of asking if he can see the photos. As soon as I start taking them, he wants to see them. I can usually persuade him to let me take a few in between having to show him.
Then it was apparently time to play musical "chair" and walk around while ignoring momma.
Then Henry tackled his brother's leg and I may have had to separate them for just a few minutes...
Henry looks so grumpy that I spoiled his fun!
For some reason, Thomas looks grumpy too! I rescued you - just a little bit of appreciation here, son!
The neighbors were having a party and it just happened to be wrapping up right when I was taking photos. Which meant that the boys were incredibly interested in all the people walking in the cul-de-sac and not so interested in taking photos any more.
On a related note, look at the ginormous arms on my little man. He had his yearly check-up the other day and is as healthy as a horse. And topping the charts in all the measurements. So he's a big boy, but according to the pediatrician, he's not fat - he's perfectly proportionally huge. Or something like that. :)
He was done taking photos and I kept putting him back on the chair for "just one more photo". Apparently when a toddler is done, a toddler is *done*. Sorry little man! Thanks for the cooperation for most of the photos. ;)
My mom brought us all valentine's day presents and I was pretty excited about mine It's a light reflector that has four different covers - white, black, silver and gold. I wanted to try it out and since I was down to one cooperative kiddo, I figured it was worth a shot to get a shot (see what I did there?ha!).
Henry seemed pretty impressed by the reflector. He mostly tried to attack it, but I did manage to get it lined up long enough to reflect the light from the window back at him. I really love this guy's pretty blue eyes and the reflected light just made them pop. Thanks for the fun gift, momma!