
Sunday, Busy Sunday!

I have to confess that I am not doing a great job about getting photos of everything. I managed to get a ton of photos of my friend's kids this weekend, but not so much my actual friends!

Then my dear friend Sonja, hosted a super fun get together last night with several of my Houston friends and I got zero photos. Please don't think that means anything - I had a blast seeing all of you! I was just more interested in talking to you than taking photos. :)

Anyhow, guilt aside - on to the Houston part of this trip:

Shipley's donuts were pretty high on the list of must-haves. The donut stores in Anchorage aren't awful, but they aren't that great either. Of course, it doesn't look like Shipley's was really on their A-game this morning. Look at the lame sprinkle distribution. Pfffft...

It still tasted delicious!

We managed to get up and moving in enough time to make it to the Vineyard for the early service. I was really excited about going to our old church and seeing all of our friends. Not everyone is there - our small group has definitely scattered across the country, but it was still great to be back. 

We even had lunch with Tracy, Jared and their kiddos after service. So much like old times!

Well except that Henry was never part of our lunches. And their kids have gotten so much bigger! Again - I did horrible on taking photos. I only pulled it out to take photos to show Matt how excited the boys were about good chips & salsa (hard to come by up here!). 

The final destination for the day was to go hang out with one of my favorite former coworkers, Ian and his wife, Jamie. The boys were super happy to go outside and run around in their yard for most of the evening. Henry and Ian had spent a fair amount of time throwing the ball for Rocky. Once Rocky was inside though, Thomas commandeered the ball thrower all for himself. 

Henry was pretty excited just to run across this small bridge and attack his momma. He would make a good troll! :)

Of course as soon as the plates hit the table, Henry climbed up and tried to grab one. I swear, I am not starving the poor guy!

The best part though, was when Thomas was not eating the delicious food Jamie had prepared. Jamie, having raised two boys herself, had this under control! She still had a few utensils left over from when her two were little (now both in college!) and one of them was this super cool airplane spoon. I missed the start of it, but by the time I caught on, Thomas was all over opening his hangar (mouth) when Jamie was swooping a plane-full of food his direction. It was awesome! :)

Another great day seeing so many friends. I have missed you all and so glad you made time for me!! :)